Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hamas Supporters Legitimizing Kidnapping, Rape And Murder

Kidnapping, rape, murder, mutilation, torture, are crimes against humanity.

There are no exceptions. 

No matter the excuses given, these are crimes against humanity that are indefensible.

The continued chorus that kidnapping, raping, murdering are justified because of occupation or some other excuse is beyond disgraceful. 

What Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to defenseless people on October 7, from babies to old people is indefensible. 

This is not about liking, hating, supporting or not supporting Israel. 

It is about humanity having a basic moral compass. No amount of deflection, excuses, whataboutism, justifications, historical context nonsense or anything else changes the fact that kidnapping, raping, mutilating, murdering are always wrong, with no exceptions ever.


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