Saturday, May 4, 2024

Killing Children And Committing Genocide Is Wrong. Gaza, Israel And Who should Be Shamed

 If these supporters of Hamas truly believe killing children and committing genocide is wrong, then there is no way they would support Hamas. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are the ones that raped, kidnapped, wounded, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, desecrated bodies, murdered people in all kinds of horrific ways, and committed other atrocities agaainst thousaands of defenseless people in Israel on October 7, from little babies to old people. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are the ones using the children and civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide behind and beneath.

No amount of deflection, justifying, or excusing these evil acts erases the fact that this happened, and that  Hamas supporters are defending indefensible evil.

Rape, kidnapping, murder, mutilating, torturing, are what these Hamas supporters are fighting for. They do not care if the victims are babies, girls, women, children, defenseless men and women, or old people. 

If this is the future, in which rape, kidnapping, mutilation, torture, murder now have exceptions based on perverted political and religious ideologies, then there is no future worth having.

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