Friday, May 17, 2024

Do Not Go To A College Or University For An Education

 The only reason to go to college or to a university is because the job you want for your future requires it.

Certain professions, for example, like teaching, nursing, accounting, engineering, medicine, dentistry, require formal schooling.

If the job you want does not require going to a college or university, then there is absolutely no reason to go. 

The only ones served by the mantra that college and universities are important are the overpaid professors and administrators of these schools. They need students to help pay for their bloated salaries and support their lazy, do nothing positions. 

With few exceptions, tenured university professors especially are a lazy, shiftless lot.

Even worse, many of them do not know the first thing about education.

They only know indoctrination. 

Do not put yourself in debt to feed these useless ideologues.

Billions of foreign money, much of it from overseas oil rich theocratic regimes, pour into American Universities, hoping to groom the next generation of sheep like mobs that blindly follow their beliefs. 

For the many useless professors that parrot from books, and that have nothing original or creative to add, it is better to stay away from them and just read books on your own and not support these clowns.

Reading challenging books and travel will provide a far better education than what almost all American colleges and universities provide. This includes those schools falsely considered elitist and prestigious. 

The U.S. government especially and private donors must stop funding any school receiving money from foreign governments. 

Professors must stop parroting from books. They must learn how to be creative and engaging.

All those that indoctrinate must be thrown out, tenured or not.

Tenure must cease to exist. No one is entitled to a lifetime of job security no matter how lazy, incompetent and indoctrinating they might be. The only job security anyone should have is one based on skill and competence.

The best thing young people can do is not go to any of these schools. Read books, travel, be curious about the world around. Learn a trade. Only go to one of these cesspools of laziness and indoctrination when the job you want requires it.


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