Saturday, May 4, 2024

A True Christian Does Not Hate, Blame Or Demonize Jews

A lot of Jew haters like to tell the world what Jews think and do, believing Jews are not unique human beings like everyone else, each with their own individual personality. It is common for the Jew hater to blame everything they do not like on the Jew, as though everything is controlled by Jews, and there is no such thing as free will. In their false and demonic view, the Jew, not god, a higher power, or anyone or anything else, controls the world.

When someone claims to be a Christian and is a person that hates Jews, that is contrary to true Christianity. Some Jew haters that claim to be Christians denounce Jews on the basis of Jews allegedly hating Jesus. Judaism does not treat hatred, not towards Jesus, and not towards those that believe in Jesus or any other religion. 

Jews do not hate Jesus. They do not worship Jesus in the way Christians do, but Jews do not disrespect or hate Jesus or Christianity. Hating is against the teachings of Judaism. Even though there are some individuals that may act differently, which is wrong, they are not representative of the Jewish religion or of the Jewish people. Disagreeing about the divinity of Jesus or whether Jesus was the messiah or not is a theological and religous disagreement. That is not the same as hate or disrespect.

Jews are a tiny minority in the world. Christianity is the largest religion, followed by Islam. Billions of people follow Christianity, and billions of people follow Islam. There are far less than twenty million Jews in the world. The majority of Jews live in one small country, Israel, in which there is a determined effort to destroy Israel and slaughter its Jewish population.

There is so much wasted time and effort that goes into demonizing Jews, hating Jews, scapegoating Jews, blaming Jews for everything, and trying to destroy them. 

Despite the mass extermination of Jews in recent history by the Nazi regime and their allies, nothing has been learned from history and where hate, scapegoating and demonizing leads.

On October 7, the whole world witnessed the pogram against defenseless Jews who were kidnapped, raped, mutilated, burned alive, beheaded and slaughtered in Israel.

For those that demonize, scapegoat, blame the Jew for everything, and that think themselves Christians, they are falsely using Jesus' name as a shield to hide behind as they spread their hate. They are not following Jesus or what Jesus taught. They are following evil.

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