Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blame And Defame The Jew That Keeps Hate, Terror And War Alive

 The hatred against Jews is ancient, evil and obsessive. It is like an addiction or disease that many people cannot resist. The Jew hater needs the Jew to hate, and by extension, their one small country.

If enough feces is thrown against a wall, some of it will eventually stick. The Jew haters throw accusation after accusation against Jews and Israel, hoping that at least some of it will stick. And if it does not, then they go on to other accusations and defamation. 

Because the Jew is blamed by the Jew hater for everything bad and everything hated and despised, anyone opposed to the Jew gets a free pass to do whatever they want without accountability, including kidnapping, rape and murder.

For the Jew haters, non Jews are victims of the Jew, not people with free will. Anyone against the Jew is therefore a victim. This is made worse by the added simplistic incorrect narrative many people have that victims are always right, even when violent, cruel and wrong.

In this era of false political correctness, victims and oppressors are categorized by skin color, skin pigmentation, native or not native, colonizer or colonized, oppressed and oppressors, even though these labels are weaponized and grossly incorrect not only when it comes to Jews. These incorrect narratives are used as an entire new set of reasons to hate, demonize and dehumanize Jews and Israelis.

Jew hate is a form of evil, an obsession that few possessed by it have the courage and moral clarity to break from. 

And so, in a time of enormous environmental degradation, wars, mass poverty, nuclear weapons, biodiversity collapse, cruel theocratic governments, oppressive regimes, global warming, dying oceans, toxic poisoning of the environment and more, millions choose to ignore all of this and continue to focus their hate and energy on a tiny minority population and their already beleaguered nation. 

Blessed are the peacemakers, it is said, but instead, those that incite, demonize, advocate for more war, violence, hate and terror, hold center stage.

Jew, Arab and others live on a small piece of land. The way forward is not for more of the same hate, demonizing, violence and terror that has dominated for the past century and more. Israelis, Palestinian Arabs, everyone, needs to be freed from the bondage of hate, intolerance,war, violence and terror.

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