Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Quick Guide To Identifying Anti-Semiticism (Jew Hate)

A fundamental rule of Jew hate is that the Jew is blamed for everything, past, present and into the future. Even the demonic Hitler blamed the Jews right until the end, taking responsibility for absolute nothing despite his incompetence, mass murdering, cruelty, arrogance, and demented personality that millions followed because of his pathological hatred for Jews. His actions and those of his many followers led to a holocaust, Europe destroyed, over 70 million killed, including over 40 million civilians, millions of refugees, and millions of people permanently wounded and scarred for life.  

Jew hate has driven the over 75 year war to destroy Israel. Jew hate dictates that no matter what the enemies of Israel do or do not do, only Israel is be blamed. And thus, Hamas and Islamic Jihad that started a war, that kidnapped, raped, murdered, mutilated thousands of defenseless people inside of Israel, that use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields, are not held accountable or responsible. 

It is legitimate to criticize and oppose the government of Israel and its policies. Supporting the goals of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran and others to destroy Israel is nothing more than supporting genocide.


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