Monday, May 6, 2024

The Truth About Whiteness And Apartheid In Israel

 In South Africa when there was apartheid, a white minority population ruled a much larger black majority population, denying them basic rights including the right to vote. 

In Israel, the Jewish population is over 70 per cent. The Arab population is over 20 per cent. All citizens, Jews, Arabs, Druze, and others have the right to vote and equal rights. 

The majority population of Israel are brown and black skinned Jews, most of whom were born on the soil of Israel. Their parents, grandparents or great grandparents originated in countries throughout the middle east and Africa, where many were persecuted and forced to flee for their lives to the land of Israel. Many of these Jews lost their lands, their property, and in many instances, their lives. The black and brown majority population of Israel consist of Jews that originated in British controlled Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and more. 

There are also Israelis whose grandparents and great grand parents were from India, the Sudan, Mali, Brazil, and many other corners of the world.

Israel is not a white minority population controlling a disenfranchised black majority population. Israel is a mixed race Jewish majority country with equal rights and religious freedom for all of its citizens, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Baha'i and others. Accusing Israel apartheid by virtue of race is a complete lie. 

Nelson Mandela succeeded because he offered to his enemies, the white rulers of South Africa, a way forward without genocide, rape, murder and slaughter. Nelson Mandela made it clear that there were to be equal rights for all, and that it would not be achieved by the violent ethnic cleansing and genocide of the white population. 

There is no Nelson Mandela among the enemies of Israel. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah and others offer nothing to the Jews of Israel but their demented dream of destroying Israel and slaughtering its Jewish population. 

The rape, kidnapping, wounding, beheading, burning people alive, murders that Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed against thousands of defenseless civilians inside of Israel on October 7 was opposite to everything Nelson Mandela came to stand for. 

If Nelson Mandela offered what Hamas and Islamic Jihad offers to the Jews, nothing but rape and extermination, South Africa would have not achieved a peaceful transition. It is unfortunate that the present corrupt, greedy rulers of South Africa are destroying the country and everything Nelson Mandela hoped to achieve for all of the people of South Africa.

Jews, Arabs, and all those living in Israel and on the land between the river to the sea are married to one another way they like it or not. There has been far too much terror, incitement, war, hate and violence. Non corrupt people for peace and coexistence like Nelson Mandela are desperately needed.

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