Thursday, May 2, 2024

Without the Jew To Blame, There Is Silence. War, Poverty, Oppression

 The protests in universities in the states and elsewhere have everything to do about Jews. 

That is why the protesters are silent, not enraged about injustices, oppression and genocides occurring all over the world. 

Silent about the continuation in North Korea of extreme repression, murder, forced prostitution of young women to communist party corrupt leaders, torture, forced labor camps and more.

The mass incarceration and repression of Uighur Muslims in China by the communist regime has resulted in no boycotts, no calls for boycotts, no protests by any of the many Islamic nations that eagerly do business with China. 

The vicious war in Myanmar by the brutal military dictatorship that levels entire villages to the ground, raping and slaughtering, receives silence. 

The Rohingya Muslim minority, repressed in Myanmar, and poorly treated in Bangladesh, with hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas living in squalid refugee camps, receives silence.

The continued war in Syria, with Assad not hesitating to use barrel bombs on his own people, with hundreds of thousands of civilians already murdered, and with millions of Syrians turned into refugees, receives silence.

ISIS in Syria and Iraq that have already caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and genocide against minority religious populations in these two countries, including against Christians and Yazidis, still receives silence, even as thousands of Yazidi women and girls taken as sex slaves are still held in captivity. ISIS and their ideology and terror are still alive in many countries.

The ongoing war in Yemen that has claimed the lives of countless thousands, with war, famine, mass poverty, disease, child marriage continuing, with one side supported by Saudi, and the other by Iran, receives silence. There are only voices raised of approval are when the Houthis fire missiles at Israel, or stop the flow of commercial traffic on the red sea by hijacking and destroying ships no matter how much this hurts the world economy and people already suffering in poverty.

War, terror, drought, famine, mass and extreme poverty in Somalia, with countless people displaced by these terrible things, receives silence. Including by a woman in congress originally from Somalia that can only find oppression when it suits her political and religious narratives. 

Violent organizations that believe their religious beliefs give them the right to rape, kidnap, enslave and murder, are active not only in Gaza in the form of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but also all over Africa and Asia, destroying the lives of thousands in places like Northern Nigeria, Mali, Mozambique, South Thailand, parts of Mindanao, and much more.

Violent organizations and nations that use religion to justify violence, terror and deliberate attacks against civilian populations, including Iran, Hezbollah, Al-Shabaab, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and more, are met with silence. 

Child marriage, extreme repression of women, of religious minorities, including of the Baha'i and Christians in Iran, and many more evil things, receives nothing but silence. 

In Qatar, where countless foreign workers have died in poor working conditions, where many foreign workers are exploited, where vulnerable foreign women workers are raped, not one word of outcry against this extremely wealthy nation that sponsors the spread of hatred and intolerance against Jews and others, especially with its government sponsored media network. Qatar spends billions in donations to western universities to spread its vision of hate and intolerance, but will not take in the many millions of Muslim refugees fleeing from war and conflict all over the globe.

In Darfur, where genocide is occurring now against the black Muslim indigenous population by Arab militias, untold thousands of women and girls have been raped. Thousands of civilians of all ages have been slaughtered. Entire villages have been destroyed with all the inhabitants massacred.

The vicious and senseless war against Ukraine continues. 

Violent criminal gangs are making life a living hell in a number of countries, including in Haiti, Ecuador, parts of Mexico and more. 

In a number of theocratic states, religious minorities are being raped, forced to convert, and murdered.

Environmental degradation is turning this planet into a living hell for millions. Extreme poverty with no hope is the sad fate of hundreds of millions of people.

No one cares about any of this. There is not the Jew to blame.

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