Friday, May 17, 2024

Trashing Israel Is Big Business

 The best thing for every theocratic regime and dictatorship is Israel. Focusing on Israel keeps all eyes away from themselves.

Entire corrupt and brutal governments, such as Turkey, Qatar, Iran, Russia and more, support worldwide, lucrative and powerful government sponsored medias that are filled with nonsense and anti Israel hate. 

Focusing on anti Israel vitriol brings money, mobs, followers, and helps indoctrinate people and mold them into the sheep that the sponsoring governments desire. 

Without Israel to trash, lazy, demented men and women that are earning handsome sums of money on the Israel bashing train, would be penniless. 

Without Jews to hate, Hitler would have lived and died in obscurity, as a fringe lunatic, instead of the demonic monster he turned out to be by the power given to him to act on his demented desires. 

Jew hate and Israel bashing is big business. But it does nothing to help or heal the world, let alone the actual conflict between Israel and Palestinian Arabs.

Israel is the world's scapegoat. No one possessed by this hate feels the need to do anything productive to make the world a better place. They only have to indulge in their hate and demonizing and be part of the mindless anti-Israel mobs like blind sheep.

The killing fields of Darfur, Myanmar, the Congo Region, Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Northern Nigeria, and many more places harmed by war and terror, the mass excruciating poverty in the world for hundreds of millions of people, oceans heating and dying and the environmental degradation and destruction that is making life unlivable for hundreds of millions of people, all of this and more will never be addressed. This is because of the obsession, manipulation and greed of the anti-Israel crowd that wants everyone focused on despising and demonizing Israel and Jews alone, and ignoring everything else going on in the world. How easy it is for demented, demonic people and countries to focus lights on Israel and Jews alone so that no light is every shined on themselves.

How shameful it is for millions to go along with this, and ignore all the wars, brutal and corrupt governments, mass poverty, and environmental destruction that is destroying the lives of hundreds of millions of people. 

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