Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Morally Bankrupt Support For Rape And Murder Against Israelis And Jews

No matter the excuse given, whether it is occupation, resistance, oppression, apartheid, nonnative, anti-Zionism, settlers, victims, oppressors, or something else, nothing ever gives anyone the right to kidnap, rape, mutilate and murder.

There are no exceptions to this most basic of moral codes. 

The anti-Israel crowd believes that by demonizing Israel or Jews, kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder becomes acceptable. 
The anti-Israel crowd believes a dehumanized, demonized people have no rights.

The Nazis believed the same thing.

No one that supports, justifies, approves or defends kidnapping, rape, mutilation and murder is worth one second of anyone's time. Yet there they are, professors, teachers, religious figures, politicians, media figures, all kinds of people in all kinds of positions, with voices and platforms. The fact that many of these morally bankrupt people are followed and lauded by many shows how blind is hate and obession, and how little was learned from the holocaust and WW2. 

No matter the people, no matter the cause, no matter the grievance or injustice, past or present, real or not, nothing ever justifies the evil of kidnapping, rape, mutilation, torture, murder and other crimes against humanity.

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