Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Legitimate Grievances In The Islamic World Are Not A Justification For Terror

                                    In that almost 25 per cent of the world population is Muslim, there will be some in the Islamic world that experience oppression and injustice. But there are also many non Muslims that are the victims of Muslim oppression and injustice.
                                    If going forward violence, war and terror are the means to address injustice and oppression, then oppression and injustice will not decrease. Blood and suffering will.increase.
                                   No group, no race, no religion, no ethnicity has a special right to resort to violence and terror. Apologists for Islamic violence and terror like to point out examples of Muslim oppression, as though that is the excuse and justification for war and terror.
                                    Islamists have been committing genocide, slavery, sexual slavery of children and young women, mass murder, torture, against minority religions of the middle east, including Christians, Yazidis and others. Yet middle east Christians and Yazidis are not blowing themselves up or driving vehicles into pedestrians.
                                     It is right to respond to legitimate grievances that some Muslims experience. No one has the right to be persecuted. It is also legitimate to not accept Islamic persecution, oppression and hatred towards non Muslim religions and people.
                                     It is never right to accept or justify terror as a legitimate response to oppression and persecution. Not unless there is a desire for more bloodshed and misery.

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