Friday, December 16, 2016

The Artificial World Of Abundance For the Rich; The World Of Depletion For The Many

           Rich people have in their hands most of the world's wealth, power and resources. In their universe there is abundance. They cannot see for the most part the massive depletion that keeps billions in grinding poverty. The rich have plenty of fish, foods of all sorts, activities in which to engage, resources at their fingertips. The people most capable of affecting change have the least incentive for changing anything.
            In the real world, not the world of an artificial abundance that is unsustainable and that is far removed from reality, there is enormous degradation and depletion. Fishing communities are finding it harder and harder to find enough fish to keep malnutrition at bay. Entire ecosystems are collapsing as human activity drives species after species into extinction or near extinction. Mangroves, forests, coral reefs, all kinds of ecosystems are falling away under the weight of development and overuse.
             Changing weather patterns may make people wake up to the ways human activities adversely affects nature. But unless things reach crisis levels, at  which point it is probably too late to act, people will continue to talk about how we impact nature without doing much of anything. What is not a thing of the future, and that is happening before our eyes, is the rapid destruction of  habitat and wildlife. A polluted, contaminated, degraded world cannot sustain a human population this large. Already untold numbers suffer as a result.

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