Sunday, December 18, 2016

Why Keeping A Healthy Environment Must Trump All; Sports, Culture, Religion, Politics

                        The things many people think are primary; sports, culture, religion, politics, recreation, entertainment, music,dance, art, philosophy, academia, etc., are really secondary. All life depends on what this world can provide. And yet it continues to be turned into an overcrowded, degraded garbage pit.
                         It is irrelevant if someone loves or hates nature, cares about the environment or could care less about it. This has nothing to do with the wants and desires of people. It has everything to do with the health, safety and lives of humanity and everything that lives.
                          It is hard to travel in this world and be oblivious to the amount of trash, plastic, contaminants, poisons pumped into the streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, land, air. It is impossible not to see the continued destruction of forests, mangroves, coral reefs, and other ecosystems, and wonder what is the tipping point at which this world is so polluted and degraded that life as we know it is no longer sustainable.

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