Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Plastic Poisoned Planet And Not So Bright Future

                            Go to a number of third world countries where plastic bags are used for almost everything. The food bought on the streets are placed into plastic bags. Almost everything bought is placed in plastic bags of one size or another, and then discarded on the ground. Because there is no garbage pickup, the earth itself becomes the trash can. For the countries located along the Pacific, the plastic eventually makes its way into the ocean. From there it spreads thousands of miles, killing turtles, albatrosses, all kinds of marine life, while working its way up the food chain. The plastic eventually breaks down into small particles that are virtually indestructible, and that are here to poison the world for thousands of years to come. Welcome to the future, and it is not the bright fantasy world some imagine. It does not have to be this way, but there is no will to make significant change.

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