A hawk is a nondiscriminatory predator. It is not selective in what it targets, provided it is an acceptable food source. It does not pander and patronize. Recently these so called hawks had on yet another unchallenged guest ventilating her nonsense. So let us get the narrative straight that they want to present- the United States never progressed beyond slavery. The United States, so they would have us think, unlike Russia, is an oppressive power that brutalizes its minority populations unlike anywhere else in the world.
Have these two young lily white so called progressives ever traveled in the third world? Have they ever seen real suffering and poverty?
There is a lot of injustice in the United States, no different than anywhere else in the world. but there is also a level of freedom that exists in few other places. If these hawk wannabes really want to show their drive for justice, try one single criticism of Putin's Russia and watch how quickly their overpaid do nothing job disappears.
Meanwhile, to the rambling black racist that insists blacks must have their own country separate from the rest of the United States- what a shame such a relentless racist gets so much unchallenged air time. She too should spend time in the the third world and see why so many people, Africans included, are desperate to go to the United States.
Race hate and incitement is a business. It allows lazy, cowardly, hate filled people to not have to work for a living. Count on good ole Russian television to give them a voice, as long as their hatred is directed towards Jews, whites, and a few others, which are seemingly acceptable targets for Russian television.
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