Friday, December 16, 2016

Mixed Martial Arts Gift - Dementia And Damaged Brains

       No matter how skilled a martial artist might be, no matter how trained, no matter how tough, the human head did not evolve to sustain blows. The damaging effects of concussions, the effects of repeated blows to the head, are becoming increasingly well known. A terrible chain of events can be set into motion from blows to the head.
        A woman that is a martial artist champion gave a brief speech, proclaiming the virtues of mixed martial arts. She is correct that it is good for people to know how to defend themselves. But when the process of learning self defense can be more damaging or as damaging as actually getting beaten up, nothing good is accomplished. People, especially young people, can learn to defend themselves without risking brain damage by sustaining head blows. The mixed martial arts fighters sustaining repeated blows to their heads do not realize how they are playing Russian roulette with their futures.
         No blow to the head is safe.

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