Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Russia And Qatar, Perfect Paradises. The World According To Russian Television(RT) And Al Jazeera

                                     The reason Russian Television (RT) and Al Jazeera never probe or investigate their sponsoring countries, Russia for RT and Qatar for Al Jazeera, is because everything is perfect in those countries. They can serve nonstop incitement against the countries, peoples and places their sponsors do not like, but never, ever tarnish the image of their masters. Putin and the oil rich king and sheikhs of Qatar are above reproach. In Russia, there is no corruption, no poverty, no environmental concerns, no human rights abuses, no dissatisfaction among laborers, farmers, or anyone. Or so the propagandists would have us think. Ditto for Qatar, another perfect paradise, even for all the foreign workers that slave away so Qataris never have to.

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