Sunday, December 18, 2016

Thinking Out Of The Box Had Better Start Applying To Religion, Politics, Not Just Technology

                               There is an interesting documentary that aired on a Japanese television station regarding a Japanese man that is able to think out of the box and come up with amazing technological solutions to the use of nuts, bolts, and other things. When thinking minds cannot come with solutions, it takes an innovator to think out of the box.
                                The world of technology allows for innovative thinking. Many of the rest of human endeavors are stagnant. In the realm of religion, politics, and so forth, we are stuck with the same ideas and beliefs, no matter how irrelevant or harmful they may be. Centuries or thousands of years ago, we are told to believe this or that, and people cling to it like it is a life raft.
                                 It is not a life raft. This world is choking on the destruction mankind has wrought. Thinking out of the box needs to apply to everything without fear of getting your head chopped off or retribution.
                              No matter how far technology advances, it ultimately will go nowhere. If the world continues to be degraded and contaminated, everything will be brought down.

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