Thursday, December 1, 2016

Why Is An International Conservation Organization Approving Salmon Farms?

                                            A prominent conservation organization with a worldwide presence has been giving their seal of approval to some Pacific ocean Australian salmon fisheries that are farming Atlantic salmon. An expose by an Australian television network about salmon farming revealed that the conservation organization's seal of approval does have a price tag.
                                            We will not digress into the environmental and health consequences that are associated with salmon farming. Rather, let us ask, why is a worldwide conservation organization lending their corporate logo and seal of approval to salmon farming corporations? What qualifications does this nonprofit corporation have to assess Atlantic salmon fish farms? What does the organization mean by responsibly raised salmon that is in environmental compliance? What are the guidelines and standards that must be met in order for the organization to grant approval? Do they even have standards and guidelines? If so, are they readily available to the public? Are the salmon farm fisheries really in environmental compliance just because this organization, or another nonprofit entity, makes this assertion?

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