Saturday, December 24, 2016

Say Goodbye To Elephants, Lions, Great Apes, Large Animals In The Wild, While Overpopulation Impoverishes And Decimates

                              With the existing world population, much of the world's forests, rainforests, coral reefs, mangroves, other ecosystems, and wildlife have been decimated. An enormous amount of productive agricultural land has been destroyed. Many of the world's rivers, lakes, and other fresh bodies of water have been polluted. Air and water quality in many places are now hazardous to human health and are killing people. Thousands of species have gone extinct, or are near extinction. Biodiversity is collapsing. The world is being poisoned by the use of plastics and other non biodegradable materials, in addition to the use of pesticides, industrial contaminants, and other hazardous materials. To this day the Pacific ocean is being contaminated not only by the tons of plastics and other non biodegradables that make their way into the ocean every day, but also by the radioactive water that pours nonstop from the damaged fukushima nuclear power plant .
                               An enormous amount of the human population lives in dire poverty and in a state of malnutrition. An enormous number of people live in appalling conditions of squalor.
                               And this is to say nothing about how people have affected weather or the ozone layer that protects life from the sun's harmful rays. We can see and measure the impact humans have had on our environment, and how we have polluted and contaminated land and sea.
                                All of this with a human population above 7 billion, and steadily going up. How much worse will things be in the decades to come when the human population goes above 9 billion? How much worse will things be if the human population simply stays where it is at, knowing that every day humanity burns, destroys, trashes and pollutes this planet.
                                  None of the aforementioned is a dire prediction. It is the state of existing affairs. It is easy to conclude what the future will hold continuing down the same trajectory.
                                    There will soon be no large mammals running free in most of the world, including Africa. Elephants, rhinos, most great apes, giraffes, lions, and other large animals capable of surviving captivity, will cease to exist except for in zoos and a few other places.
                                   Africa's population, less than 300 million in 1960, is now approximately 1 billion 300 million and rising fast. There will be no place for wildlife on an overpopulated continent, especially with areas of massive poverty and political and religious instability. The Congo rainforest, the world's second largest, already is being destroyed. Wildlife is hunted indiscriminately. Gorillas, bonobos, forest elephants, everything that moves, are being hunted or trapped by snares or other means.
                                    Some live with the fantasy that rising standards of living will lower the rapid birth rate of Africa and other places. But these short sighted analysts completely ignore the powerful religious forces that encourage people to procreate, no matter how many people must continue to live in complete destitution, no matter how degraded the world is already. And so vast parts of Africa and other places are denied access to birth control( notice birth control is forbidden, such as the use of condoms that prevent pregnancy and the transmission of certain diseases, including AIDS. None of this has anything to do about abortion).
                                     No one is willing to take on religious establishments, even if it means the death of us all, and even though religion and faith are not necessarily the same.
                                      The simple act of providing condoms and safe birth control to people that want it but do not have access to it would be a far more worthwhile conservation endeavor than most of the nonsense conservation and wildlife groups have us believe they are doing. Overpopulation is not an issue they will touch because of the religious and political sensitivities involved, and how this might affect their ever cherished donor bases.
                                       Two great threats to human survival are nuclear weapons proliferation and the continued degrading and poisoning of our environment. Addressing overpopulation, one of the world's greatest destabilizing forces, is necessary in any serious effort to address poverty and environmental degradation. Unfortunately, the political and religious will is lacking. In the case of overpopulation, existing religious establishments that seem immune to reform and change are helping drive humanity into eventual extinction, alongside the many other species almost there.

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