Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Limited Government With Maximum Corporate Power

                                        The mantra in the United States by the republicans and conservatives is to have limited government, even as a number of them do everything they can to get an elected position in government or a government job. Meanwhile, no one talks about limiting or at least questioning the vast power of corporations, assuming that they are the holy grail. Will the future be more corporate monopolies, more corporate corruption and collusion with government, more corporate control of every aspect of our lives? From the coffee we drink to almost everything we eat, breathe, drink, see, hear, taste, touch and smell. If the corporations do not like the environmental and labor laws, these entities with loyalty to no one except their boards, senior management, and big shareholders, simply change locations to another country. Every time the mantra is sung about limiting big government, listen carefully how no such song is sung about what really controls our lives.

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