The world population with more than 7 billion people on the face of this earth has seen the collapse of biodiversity, the contamination and degrading of the oceans, coral reefs, mangroves, rain forests and most ecosystems. More than 7 billion people have not resulted in the widespread health and good welfare of mankind. Instead, hundreds of millions, if not billions, live in grueling poverty. Hundreds of millions are malnourished. The world is contaminated and degraded under the weight of human activity.
And still there is the insistence that there should be no restraint on population growth. Responsible family planning, including the use of condoms to prevent pregnancy and disease, is widely resisted by a number of religions.
Thousands of years ago or centuries ago for some religions, when the earth was sparsely populated and people were told by their religions to go forth and multiply, it did not take into account that one day the world would become a severely degraded, overpopulated place.
Much of the world's forest cover, rain forests, mangroves, coral reefs, and more have already been lost. Biodiversity, the complex web of life, is unraveling under the weight of the ever increasing human population.
Some argue that because humans can all fit into one state in the United States, overpopulation does not exist. But each person needs resources, and the weight of the human demand on the world's resources exceeds the capacity of the earth to provide. There are not enough fish left in the already decimated oceans to adequately provide for the billions of people that depend on fish. Already millions are dying each year in places like China because of pollution.
The billions of humans without adequate jobs, without proper resources or the means to live, are not the recipe for a stable world. No walls can be built high enough to keep out desperate people in an already destabilized world if overpopulation does not get seriously addressed once and for all.
Over 1.3 billion people live in Africa, a continent with a fast growing population. Does anyone honestly believe there is a place for large mammals like lions, elephants, rhinos and more in a world overrun with people? Overpopulation ensures the continued destruction of flora and fauna. The continued decimation of wildlife and habitat. The continued destruction of productive agricultural land in many places. But do not expect any of the timid, money seeking nonprofit environmental, wildlife, or conservation groups to touch this.
Overpopulation is destabilizing the entire world, no matter how much the religious, political and nonprofit establishment choose to not see this.
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