Wednesday, December 28, 2016

White And Black Racists, Racial Nationalists, Racial And Religious Supremacists And Non Biodegradable Plastics And Other Garbage

                 Every day tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable materials make there way into the oceans from countries where hundreds of millions of people have no access to the proper disposal of garbage. Knowing full well this reality, food and beverage companies and other corporations continue to use these non biodegradable materials that may be cheap for them, but exact a huge toll on the environment,
                  Many of these materials break down into small particles that are virtually impossible to remove from the environment. They enter into our water, and into the tissue of fish and other living creatures, working their way up the food chain. Cancer rates may level off temporarily, but they may skyrocket if this continues. Already plastics and other non biodegradable garbage are killing untold numbers of birds and other animals.
                    The good thing about being a white racist, a black racist, a so called white or black nationalist, a bigot, a religious supremacist, are never having to worry about things like the aforementioned. Crybaby supremacists get to live in a delusional world where reality is suspended, and all that matters are their grandiose illusions of supremacy.
                     Bratty, crybaby children like to exclude and torment other children for the shallowest of reasons. When these crybabies grow up, unless they change and develop good character, they are sure to find their way into some kind of supremacist group. Weak people need a way to feel strong. Imagine how weak a person really is that believes the color of their skin or their religion makes them a superior human being that believes others to be inferior and even less than human.
                     While humanity faces enormous environmental problems that affects life as we know it, millions of racists, race nationalists, religious supremacists, are determined that rather than clean up garbage, humanity remains in the sewer with it.

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