Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Killing Continues In Aleppo To The Applause Of Phony Progressives

                             To the so called progressive scholar from California who believes that America and the west are outraged that Aleppo is being "liberated". She thinks that the outrage has nothing to do with innocent civilian causalities, and only has to do with the fact that Sunni terrorists are getting defeated.
                              Decent people do not want to see the blind bombing of Aleppo by either side that is killing innocent civilians. This is the outrage.
                               Phony progressives could care less about babies, children, human life, unless it is ammunition to feed their political agenda.
                              Decent people do not want innocent civilians terrorized and killed by Russian and Syrian air strikes and bombs in Aleppo, just as decent people do not want innocent civilians killed by the bombs and mortars from Sunni terrorist groups.

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