Monday, December 19, 2016

While The World Is Poisoned With Plastics, We Think Technology Will Protect And Advance Mankind

                 Everyday all across the world millions of plastic bags are used. Bags that do not biodegrade, and that break down into smaller, impossible to remove from the environment pieces. Pieces that damage the oceans, marine life that consumes the tiny plastic poison particles, and ultimately humans, other mammals and birds. No one knows what will be the long term impact of this plastic poisoning of the planet, but what is known for sure is that it will not be good.
                This plastic poisoning of the land and oceans is not slowing down. Every day tons of plastic are thrown onto the ground and into waters. Most of the world has no proper disposal system for plastic, Styrofoam and other toxic poisons and non biodegradable garbage. The developed world may be able to dispose of its plastics, Styrofoam and other non biodegradable poisons, but the third world has no such capacity.
                The delusional world of technology has people believing mankind is advancing. |We can talk better on ultimately discarded devices, get information on the internet, send men to the moon, do the most complicated medical procedures, but not figure out how to stop poisoning this world and ourselves.



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