This blog originated as a futile effort to expose ineffective and harmful programs and practices as it pertains to animal cruelty, dog fighting, animal welfare, wildlife protection and conservation. A number of nonprofit organizations, individuals and others profit handsomely from their exploitation of voiceless populations.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Liberal And Leftist Acceptance Of Oppression As Long As Non Whites Or Muslims Are The Persecutors
It is acceptable in the world of the liberal and left to persecute and oppress children, women, gays, lesbians, minorities, religious minorities,and others provided the ones doing the persecuting are non white or Muslim.
One Small Fish Eats A Piece Of Blue Plastic
I was swimming in a still relatively intact coral reef area. The corals near the shore are almost all broken from people stepping on them. But farther out, where the water is deeper, the corals are still intact. A few green turtles could be seen.
Here and there were plastic bags that I was able to grab to take out of the ocean. As I swam towards the shore, a piece of blue plastic was floating in the water. I reached for it it, at which time it broke into many small pieces. As one small piece of blue plastic was suspended in the water, a small fish came by and swallowed it, thinking it was food.
Plastic and non biodegradable garbage breaks down into small pieces, making it virtually impossible to remove. Fish and other marine life are eating this plastic. I wish I had a camera with me to photograph this incident.
It comes down to this- ignore the plastic poisoning of the ocean, and there will no be a future.
Here and there were plastic bags that I was able to grab to take out of the ocean. As I swam towards the shore, a piece of blue plastic was floating in the water. I reached for it it, at which time it broke into many small pieces. As one small piece of blue plastic was suspended in the water, a small fish came by and swallowed it, thinking it was food.
Plastic and non biodegradable garbage breaks down into small pieces, making it virtually impossible to remove. Fish and other marine life are eating this plastic. I wish I had a camera with me to photograph this incident.
It comes down to this- ignore the plastic poisoning of the ocean, and there will no be a future.
Liberal And Leftist Victimhood Status Bestowed Upon Muslims Harms Real Muslim And Non Muslim Victims
Muslims are treated by many in liberal and leftist circles as an oppressed group. When liberals and leftists bestow victimhood status upon a group, it means never holding the members of that group accountable for anything. There are places in the world where Muslims are oppressed. This should never be tolerated anywhere and should be opposed with nonviolent means. But far more common are the many places in the world where Muslims are the oppressors. Iran is tormenting and persecuting Baha'is because they do not find it to be an acceptable religion according to their interpretation of Islam. Yazidis and middle east Christians are being persecuted, murdered and raped. Yazidi women and young girls by the thousands are still held captive by demented Islamists that believe Islam gives them the right to rape and do as they please with non Muslim human beings. Hatred for Jews is widespread in the Islamic world.
Child marriage is common in some parts of the Islamic world. So is oppression of women and complete intolerance for gays and lesbians. Blasphemy laws ensure that innocent people lose lives and property from people that make false, impossible to substantiate allegations. Non Muslims are often treated as inferior human beings that receive second class status at best.
There will never be reform in the Islamic world as long as the western world lives by the double standard that what is not acceptable in the west is just fine in the Islamic world just so long as the oil flows in the Islamic nations that have oil. And of course, many liberals and leftists could care less about women, children, minorities, and everything else as long as the oppressors and persecutors are nonwhite or Muslim.
Child marriage is common in some parts of the Islamic world. So is oppression of women and complete intolerance for gays and lesbians. Blasphemy laws ensure that innocent people lose lives and property from people that make false, impossible to substantiate allegations. Non Muslims are often treated as inferior human beings that receive second class status at best.
There will never be reform in the Islamic world as long as the western world lives by the double standard that what is not acceptable in the west is just fine in the Islamic world just so long as the oil flows in the Islamic nations that have oil. And of course, many liberals and leftists could care less about women, children, minorities, and everything else as long as the oppressors and persecutors are nonwhite or Muslim.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Virtue Eludes Racial And Religious Supremacists
Racists and religious supremacists are weak people that need to feel superior to those different than themselves. Race and religion are not a determiner of character, decency, courage or any virtue despite what racists and religious supremacists think.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Liberal Left Racism And How It Helps The Alternative Right. One Professor's Wish For White Genocide
A professor protected by tenure, which is a guarantee often of a lifetime of easy living, do nothingness, minimal work, and near complete lack of accountability, tweeted his desire, in jest or not, for a white genocide.
The alternative racist right is all over this. It fits into their simplistic narrative that the Jew and others are trying to destroy their racial purity. ( Once again the Jew is the favorite target to blame for everything. Jew, a religion, ethnicity and cultural identity, has nothing to do with race, which black and white racists both like to forget.)
There is a double standard that many liberals and leftist liberals like to live by. They are quick to call out racism or foul play if it is directed towards black people, minority populations, or those they have relegated to victimhood status. But they will not stand up against racism or foul play if those they worship as victims are the ones doing the wrong doing. And so the silence continues regarding any and all racism and hate by non whites, black on black violence, the failure of many men to properly raise and care for the children they father, the dysfunctional choice some make to reject education in favor of street life, the violent actions and choices that hurt others that too many embrace, and a thousand other things.
Many liberals and liberal leftists are incapable of holding non white people accountable for anything. Victims, in their racist minds, are not responsible human beings capable of much. And so, violence in the black community continues to get ignored. Jew hating by many in the Muslim world continues to be ignored, along with persecution against Baha'is, genocide against middle east Christians, Yazidis, and others because Muslims have been relegated to victimhood status, even though nearly a fourth of the world is Muslim, almost the entire middle east and North Africa is Muslim, and Muslims are sitting on most of the world's oil, worth trillions of dollars.
The professor may have thought his tweet would raise his status in the holier than thou world of many liberal leftists, one of the most narrow minded, patronizing groups. In that respect, the professor shares a lot with the white racist supremacists.
The alternative racist right is all over this. It fits into their simplistic narrative that the Jew and others are trying to destroy their racial purity. ( Once again the Jew is the favorite target to blame for everything. Jew, a religion, ethnicity and cultural identity, has nothing to do with race, which black and white racists both like to forget.)
There is a double standard that many liberals and leftist liberals like to live by. They are quick to call out racism or foul play if it is directed towards black people, minority populations, or those they have relegated to victimhood status. But they will not stand up against racism or foul play if those they worship as victims are the ones doing the wrong doing. And so the silence continues regarding any and all racism and hate by non whites, black on black violence, the failure of many men to properly raise and care for the children they father, the dysfunctional choice some make to reject education in favor of street life, the violent actions and choices that hurt others that too many embrace, and a thousand other things.
Many liberals and liberal leftists are incapable of holding non white people accountable for anything. Victims, in their racist minds, are not responsible human beings capable of much. And so, violence in the black community continues to get ignored. Jew hating by many in the Muslim world continues to be ignored, along with persecution against Baha'is, genocide against middle east Christians, Yazidis, and others because Muslims have been relegated to victimhood status, even though nearly a fourth of the world is Muslim, almost the entire middle east and North Africa is Muslim, and Muslims are sitting on most of the world's oil, worth trillions of dollars.
The professor may have thought his tweet would raise his status in the holier than thou world of many liberal leftists, one of the most narrow minded, patronizing groups. In that respect, the professor shares a lot with the white racist supremacists.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
No More Double Standards- Fire The Professor That Wants A White Genocide, Even If Said In Jest
A professor made a comment on twitter regarding his desire for a white genocide. A bleeding heart academic defended the comment, stating the professor does not really want a white genocide, and was only making a point. It is pointless to explain the point either of these individuals were trying to make. Some things said or written are just plain inexcusable and ignorant.
Some people try to hide their racism and hate behind the greater glory of a cause. Their racism is acceptable, they think, because they are confronting another form of racism.
Even if there is a white power structure that is completely racist, as they insist, it does not excuse their racism. Since when do two wrongs make a right?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the bleeding hearts that think a double standard is acceptable, excusable, or even desirable, have done nothing but harm.
Racism is racism. Double standards might be acceptable in the often lazy, shiftless world of academia, where often worthless, uncreative minds come to rest.
If a professor tweeted his desire for a black genocide, a Muslim genocide, any genocide other than a white genocide, he or she would be fired.
Some people try to hide their racism and hate behind the greater glory of a cause. Their racism is acceptable, they think, because they are confronting another form of racism.
Even if there is a white power structure that is completely racist, as they insist, it does not excuse their racism. Since when do two wrongs make a right?
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the bleeding hearts that think a double standard is acceptable, excusable, or even desirable, have done nothing but harm.
Racism is racism. Double standards might be acceptable in the often lazy, shiftless world of academia, where often worthless, uncreative minds come to rest.
If a professor tweeted his desire for a black genocide, a Muslim genocide, any genocide other than a white genocide, he or she would be fired.
White And Black Racists, Racial Nationalists, Racial And Religious Supremacists And Non Biodegradable Plastics And Other Garbage
Every day tons of plastics, styrofoam and other non biodegradable materials make there way into the oceans from countries where hundreds of millions of people have no access to the proper disposal of garbage. Knowing full well this reality, food and beverage companies and other corporations continue to use these non biodegradable materials that may be cheap for them, but exact a huge toll on the environment,
Many of these materials break down into small particles that are virtually impossible to remove from the environment. They enter into our water, and into the tissue of fish and other living creatures, working their way up the food chain. Cancer rates may level off temporarily, but they may skyrocket if this continues. Already plastics and other non biodegradable garbage are killing untold numbers of birds and other animals.
The good thing about being a white racist, a black racist, a so called white or black nationalist, a bigot, a religious supremacist, are never having to worry about things like the aforementioned. Crybaby supremacists get to live in a delusional world where reality is suspended, and all that matters are their grandiose illusions of supremacy.
Bratty, crybaby children like to exclude and torment other children for the shallowest of reasons. When these crybabies grow up, unless they change and develop good character, they are sure to find their way into some kind of supremacist group. Weak people need a way to feel strong. Imagine how weak a person really is that believes the color of their skin or their religion makes them a superior human being that believes others to be inferior and even less than human.
While humanity faces enormous environmental problems that affects life as we know it, millions of racists, race nationalists, religious supremacists, are determined that rather than clean up garbage, humanity remains in the sewer with it.
Many of these materials break down into small particles that are virtually impossible to remove from the environment. They enter into our water, and into the tissue of fish and other living creatures, working their way up the food chain. Cancer rates may level off temporarily, but they may skyrocket if this continues. Already plastics and other non biodegradable garbage are killing untold numbers of birds and other animals.
The good thing about being a white racist, a black racist, a so called white or black nationalist, a bigot, a religious supremacist, are never having to worry about things like the aforementioned. Crybaby supremacists get to live in a delusional world where reality is suspended, and all that matters are their grandiose illusions of supremacy.
Bratty, crybaby children like to exclude and torment other children for the shallowest of reasons. When these crybabies grow up, unless they change and develop good character, they are sure to find their way into some kind of supremacist group. Weak people need a way to feel strong. Imagine how weak a person really is that believes the color of their skin or their religion makes them a superior human being that believes others to be inferior and even less than human.
While humanity faces enormous environmental problems that affects life as we know it, millions of racists, race nationalists, religious supremacists, are determined that rather than clean up garbage, humanity remains in the sewer with it.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Hoping Trump Grows The Economy
Trump and Clinton were not exactly the best America has to offer. Now that the election is over, it is pointless to lament the outcome. It is time to give Trump a chance. Maybe we will all be surprised and find that Trump and his administration actually do a good job. A strong economy opens doors. This is a central reason he was elected. Let us hope he delivers.
The aforementioned does not mean rolling over uncritically.
The aforementioned does not mean rolling over uncritically.
The Benefits to Being A Racist, Bigoted Fool
Racism and hate is the crutch for the weak and pathetic. Weak, cowardly people never have to look inward at their own flaws. There is always someone else to blame. Someone to look down upon so the bigot weakling can feel stronger.
For some of these weak people, hate is the road to riches and a way to avoid real work. Lazy, men get to become rich, with fame, fortune, and shallow women chasing these whiny cowards.
Some think anger and hate is a sign of strength, when in fact it is the complete opposite.
For some of these weak people, hate is the road to riches and a way to avoid real work. Lazy, men get to become rich, with fame, fortune, and shallow women chasing these whiny cowards.
Some think anger and hate is a sign of strength, when in fact it is the complete opposite.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
An Easy Way To Recognize a Weak, Cowardly Person
They blame the Jew for everything. And if not the Jew, then another scapegoat.
Say Goodbye To Elephants, Lions, Great Apes, Large Animals In The Wild, While Overpopulation Impoverishes And Decimates
With the existing world population, much of the world's forests, rainforests, coral reefs, mangroves, other ecosystems, and wildlife have been decimated. An enormous amount of productive agricultural land has been destroyed. Many of the world's rivers, lakes, and other fresh bodies of water have been polluted. Air and water quality in many places are now hazardous to human health and are killing people. Thousands of species have gone extinct, or are near extinction. Biodiversity is collapsing. The world is being poisoned by the use of plastics and other non biodegradable materials, in addition to the use of pesticides, industrial contaminants, and other hazardous materials. To this day the Pacific ocean is being contaminated not only by the tons of plastics and other non biodegradables that make their way into the ocean every day, but also by the radioactive water that pours nonstop from the damaged fukushima nuclear power plant .
An enormous amount of the human population lives in dire poverty and in a state of malnutrition. An enormous number of people live in appalling conditions of squalor.
And this is to say nothing about how people have affected weather or the ozone layer that protects life from the sun's harmful rays. We can see and measure the impact humans have had on our environment, and how we have polluted and contaminated land and sea.
All of this with a human population above 7 billion, and steadily going up. How much worse will things be in the decades to come when the human population goes above 9 billion? How much worse will things be if the human population simply stays where it is at, knowing that every day humanity burns, destroys, trashes and pollutes this planet.
None of the aforementioned is a dire prediction. It is the state of existing affairs. It is easy to conclude what the future will hold continuing down the same trajectory.
There will soon be no large mammals running free in most of the world, including Africa. Elephants, rhinos, most great apes, giraffes, lions, and other large animals capable of surviving captivity, will cease to exist except for in zoos and a few other places.
Africa's population, less than 300 million in 1960, is now approximately 1 billion 300 million and rising fast. There will be no place for wildlife on an overpopulated continent, especially with areas of massive poverty and political and religious instability. The Congo rainforest, the world's second largest, already is being destroyed. Wildlife is hunted indiscriminately. Gorillas, bonobos, forest elephants, everything that moves, are being hunted or trapped by snares or other means.
Some live with the fantasy that rising standards of living will lower the rapid birth rate of Africa and other places. But these short sighted analysts completely ignore the powerful religious forces that encourage people to procreate, no matter how many people must continue to live in complete destitution, no matter how degraded the world is already. And so vast parts of Africa and other places are denied access to birth control( notice birth control is forbidden, such as the use of condoms that prevent pregnancy and the transmission of certain diseases, including AIDS. None of this has anything to do about abortion).
No one is willing to take on religious establishments, even if it means the death of us all, and even though religion and faith are not necessarily the same.
The simple act of providing condoms and safe birth control to people that want it but do not have access to it would be a far more worthwhile conservation endeavor than most of the nonsense conservation and wildlife groups have us believe they are doing. Overpopulation is not an issue they will touch because of the religious and political sensitivities involved, and how this might affect their ever cherished donor bases.
Two great threats to human survival are nuclear weapons proliferation and the continued degrading and poisoning of our environment. Addressing overpopulation, one of the world's greatest destabilizing forces, is necessary in any serious effort to address poverty and environmental degradation. Unfortunately, the political and religious will is lacking. In the case of overpopulation, existing religious establishments that seem immune to reform and change are helping drive humanity into eventual extinction, alongside the many other species almost there.
An enormous amount of the human population lives in dire poverty and in a state of malnutrition. An enormous number of people live in appalling conditions of squalor.
And this is to say nothing about how people have affected weather or the ozone layer that protects life from the sun's harmful rays. We can see and measure the impact humans have had on our environment, and how we have polluted and contaminated land and sea.
All of this with a human population above 7 billion, and steadily going up. How much worse will things be in the decades to come when the human population goes above 9 billion? How much worse will things be if the human population simply stays where it is at, knowing that every day humanity burns, destroys, trashes and pollutes this planet.
None of the aforementioned is a dire prediction. It is the state of existing affairs. It is easy to conclude what the future will hold continuing down the same trajectory.
There will soon be no large mammals running free in most of the world, including Africa. Elephants, rhinos, most great apes, giraffes, lions, and other large animals capable of surviving captivity, will cease to exist except for in zoos and a few other places.
Africa's population, less than 300 million in 1960, is now approximately 1 billion 300 million and rising fast. There will be no place for wildlife on an overpopulated continent, especially with areas of massive poverty and political and religious instability. The Congo rainforest, the world's second largest, already is being destroyed. Wildlife is hunted indiscriminately. Gorillas, bonobos, forest elephants, everything that moves, are being hunted or trapped by snares or other means.
Some live with the fantasy that rising standards of living will lower the rapid birth rate of Africa and other places. But these short sighted analysts completely ignore the powerful religious forces that encourage people to procreate, no matter how many people must continue to live in complete destitution, no matter how degraded the world is already. And so vast parts of Africa and other places are denied access to birth control( notice birth control is forbidden, such as the use of condoms that prevent pregnancy and the transmission of certain diseases, including AIDS. None of this has anything to do about abortion).
No one is willing to take on religious establishments, even if it means the death of us all, and even though religion and faith are not necessarily the same.
The simple act of providing condoms and safe birth control to people that want it but do not have access to it would be a far more worthwhile conservation endeavor than most of the nonsense conservation and wildlife groups have us believe they are doing. Overpopulation is not an issue they will touch because of the religious and political sensitivities involved, and how this might affect their ever cherished donor bases.
Two great threats to human survival are nuclear weapons proliferation and the continued degrading and poisoning of our environment. Addressing overpopulation, one of the world's greatest destabilizing forces, is necessary in any serious effort to address poverty and environmental degradation. Unfortunately, the political and religious will is lacking. In the case of overpopulation, existing religious establishments that seem immune to reform and change are helping drive humanity into eventual extinction, alongside the many other species almost there.
Friday, December 23, 2016
The Best Legacy Trump And Putin Can Leave- Reducing Nuclear Weapons
There is no such thing as a winnable nuclear war. If Russia and the United States decide otherwise, it will be the end for them and most life on earth. It is of benefit to the world if Trump and Putin get along and defuse tensions. It is unfortunate that so much power rests in their hands. We can only hope for the best.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
The Last Thing This World Needs Is A Nuclear Weapons Race, Mr. Trump
Mr. Trump, the United States does not need to vastly upgrade its nuclear weapons or increase its nuclear weapons arsenal. The world needs a reduction in nuclear weapons. How many times over do Russia and the United States need to destroy the world? They can already do that multiple times with their existing nuclear weapons. If Trump cannot see the wisdom in reducing the risk of nuclear conflicts and in reducing nuclear weapons proliferation, it will be a long and difficult four years of his presidency.
Two Billionaires, Trump And Putin, And Their Nuclear Weapons
In charge(soon for Trump) of the two most militarily powerful nations in the world are two men that share this in common- they both are billionaires. They both worship themselves, money and power. They are in charge of nuclear weapon arsenals that can destroy the world many times over. They both put their own self interest and nationalistic instincts over the greater good of the world. If we are in for a new nuclear arms race, a new arms race in conventional weapons, and the assertion of egos, the stock market may continue its euphoric rise divorced from reality, but the world will be in serious trouble.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Overpopulation Is One Of The World's Most Ignored Destabilizing Force
The world population with more than 7 billion people on the face of this earth has seen the collapse of biodiversity, the contamination and degrading of the oceans, coral reefs, mangroves, rain forests and most ecosystems. More than 7 billion people have not resulted in the widespread health and good welfare of mankind. Instead, hundreds of millions, if not billions, live in grueling poverty. Hundreds of millions are malnourished. The world is contaminated and degraded under the weight of human activity.
And still there is the insistence that there should be no restraint on population growth. Responsible family planning, including the use of condoms to prevent pregnancy and disease, is widely resisted by a number of religions.
Thousands of years ago or centuries ago for some religions, when the earth was sparsely populated and people were told by their religions to go forth and multiply, it did not take into account that one day the world would become a severely degraded, overpopulated place.
Much of the world's forest cover, rain forests, mangroves, coral reefs, and more have already been lost. Biodiversity, the complex web of life, is unraveling under the weight of the ever increasing human population.
Some argue that because humans can all fit into one state in the United States, overpopulation does not exist. But each person needs resources, and the weight of the human demand on the world's resources exceeds the capacity of the earth to provide. There are not enough fish left in the already decimated oceans to adequately provide for the billions of people that depend on fish. Already millions are dying each year in places like China because of pollution.
The billions of humans without adequate jobs, without proper resources or the means to live, are not the recipe for a stable world. No walls can be built high enough to keep out desperate people in an already destabilized world if overpopulation does not get seriously addressed once and for all.
Over 1.3 billion people live in Africa, a continent with a fast growing population. Does anyone honestly believe there is a place for large mammals like lions, elephants, rhinos and more in a world overrun with people? Overpopulation ensures the continued destruction of flora and fauna. The continued decimation of wildlife and habitat. The continued destruction of productive agricultural land in many places. But do not expect any of the timid, money seeking nonprofit environmental, wildlife, or conservation groups to touch this.
Overpopulation is destabilizing the entire world, no matter how much the religious, political and nonprofit establishment choose to not see this.
And still there is the insistence that there should be no restraint on population growth. Responsible family planning, including the use of condoms to prevent pregnancy and disease, is widely resisted by a number of religions.
Thousands of years ago or centuries ago for some religions, when the earth was sparsely populated and people were told by their religions to go forth and multiply, it did not take into account that one day the world would become a severely degraded, overpopulated place.
Much of the world's forest cover, rain forests, mangroves, coral reefs, and more have already been lost. Biodiversity, the complex web of life, is unraveling under the weight of the ever increasing human population.
Some argue that because humans can all fit into one state in the United States, overpopulation does not exist. But each person needs resources, and the weight of the human demand on the world's resources exceeds the capacity of the earth to provide. There are not enough fish left in the already decimated oceans to adequately provide for the billions of people that depend on fish. Already millions are dying each year in places like China because of pollution.
The billions of humans without adequate jobs, without proper resources or the means to live, are not the recipe for a stable world. No walls can be built high enough to keep out desperate people in an already destabilized world if overpopulation does not get seriously addressed once and for all.
Over 1.3 billion people live in Africa, a continent with a fast growing population. Does anyone honestly believe there is a place for large mammals like lions, elephants, rhinos and more in a world overrun with people? Overpopulation ensures the continued destruction of flora and fauna. The continued decimation of wildlife and habitat. The continued destruction of productive agricultural land in many places. But do not expect any of the timid, money seeking nonprofit environmental, wildlife, or conservation groups to touch this.
Overpopulation is destabilizing the entire world, no matter how much the religious, political and nonprofit establishment choose to not see this.
Fearing Elements Of Sharia Is Rational, Not Islamophobic
Almost 25 per cent of the world population, by some estimates, follows Islam. Many people, myself included, could care less what a person believes or practices, as long as it does not hurt others. Islam as a religion deserves the same protections and rights as any other religion. Islam as a political and economic system that seeks domination through jihad and the implementation of sharia as the only rule of law is the recipe for endless war, oppression, and not the paradise that some insist sharia brings.
Minority religions under sharia are delegated to second class status, with the option to convert, die, or pay special taxes. Certain religions are not even offered these options, and the adherents of those religions are receiving the genocidal hell that a group like ISIS provides. Yazidis, not afforded any protections under Islam, has seen its community devastated by genocide, and the rape and sexual enslavement of Yazidi girls and young women. The Baha'i in Iran are severely persecuted, as it is a religion the Iranian theocracy deny has legitimacy under Islam.
When some Muslims insist sharia would be good for all, they never question why non Muslims would want to exist under a permanent state of inferiority and vulnerability.
In places where sharia is supposedly implemented, there are many flaws to the political and economic system. Iran, Saudi, and other oil rich Islamic nations would collapse if not for the good fortune of having trillions of dollars of oil wealth under their feet. In poor nations where sharia has been implemented, like Afghanistan under the Taliban, or those that lived or still live under ISIS rule or under the thumb of another Islamist group, cruelty, arbitrary punishment, and torture are the norm.
Sharia is like a lot of ideas that may be good in theory, but horrible in practice if fully implemented.
A lot of suffering occurs when blasphemy laws, arbitrary laws, religious police, are established. Often cruel leaders get rewarded, and the vulnerable are helpless to the capricious whims of their religious rulers.
It is one thing to fight for the right of Muslims to practice freely their religion(which is something denied non Muslim people living in many Islamic lands), but it is quite another thing to passively accept the full implementation of sharia and the struggle to implement sharia through jihad.
Minority religions under sharia are delegated to second class status, with the option to convert, die, or pay special taxes. Certain religions are not even offered these options, and the adherents of those religions are receiving the genocidal hell that a group like ISIS provides. Yazidis, not afforded any protections under Islam, has seen its community devastated by genocide, and the rape and sexual enslavement of Yazidi girls and young women. The Baha'i in Iran are severely persecuted, as it is a religion the Iranian theocracy deny has legitimacy under Islam.
When some Muslims insist sharia would be good for all, they never question why non Muslims would want to exist under a permanent state of inferiority and vulnerability.
In places where sharia is supposedly implemented, there are many flaws to the political and economic system. Iran, Saudi, and other oil rich Islamic nations would collapse if not for the good fortune of having trillions of dollars of oil wealth under their feet. In poor nations where sharia has been implemented, like Afghanistan under the Taliban, or those that lived or still live under ISIS rule or under the thumb of another Islamist group, cruelty, arbitrary punishment, and torture are the norm.
Sharia is like a lot of ideas that may be good in theory, but horrible in practice if fully implemented.
A lot of suffering occurs when blasphemy laws, arbitrary laws, religious police, are established. Often cruel leaders get rewarded, and the vulnerable are helpless to the capricious whims of their religious rulers.
It is one thing to fight for the right of Muslims to practice freely their religion(which is something denied non Muslim people living in many Islamic lands), but it is quite another thing to passively accept the full implementation of sharia and the struggle to implement sharia through jihad.
Until The Oil Rich Islamic States Stop Spreading Bigotry And Hate, ISIS Type Groups Will Remain
The battle against terror groups will not be won through battle alone. Until there is a recognition that government authorities and government protected or sponsored religious authorities are creating new generations of terrorists and jihadists by their spread of narrow minded, bigoted versions of Islam, nothing will change for the better. ISIS might disappear completely, but there will be plenty of other ISIS type cancers to take its place. Why is there no accounting for the bigoted, hate filled versions of Islam spread by states such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others on the Sunni side, and Iran on the Shia side? Oil wealth is squandered to spread bigotry and hate. Unless tolerance and goodwill replaces the virulent hate, one ISIS group after another will keep appearing.
Legitimate Grievances In The Islamic World Are Not A Justification For Terror
In that almost 25 per cent of the world population is Muslim, there will be some in the Islamic world that experience oppression and injustice. But there are also many non Muslims that are the victims of Muslim oppression and injustice.
If going forward violence, war and terror are the means to address injustice and oppression, then oppression and injustice will not decrease. Blood and suffering will.increase.
No group, no race, no religion, no ethnicity has a special right to resort to violence and terror. Apologists for Islamic violence and terror like to point out examples of Muslim oppression, as though that is the excuse and justification for war and terror.
Islamists have been committing genocide, slavery, sexual slavery of children and young women, mass murder, torture, against minority religions of the middle east, including Christians, Yazidis and others. Yet middle east Christians and Yazidis are not blowing themselves up or driving vehicles into pedestrians.
It is right to respond to legitimate grievances that some Muslims experience. No one has the right to be persecuted. It is also legitimate to not accept Islamic persecution, oppression and hatred towards non Muslim religions and people.
It is never right to accept or justify terror as a legitimate response to oppression and persecution. Not unless there is a desire for more bloodshed and misery.
If going forward violence, war and terror are the means to address injustice and oppression, then oppression and injustice will not decrease. Blood and suffering will.increase.
No group, no race, no religion, no ethnicity has a special right to resort to violence and terror. Apologists for Islamic violence and terror like to point out examples of Muslim oppression, as though that is the excuse and justification for war and terror.
Islamists have been committing genocide, slavery, sexual slavery of children and young women, mass murder, torture, against minority religions of the middle east, including Christians, Yazidis and others. Yet middle east Christians and Yazidis are not blowing themselves up or driving vehicles into pedestrians.
It is right to respond to legitimate grievances that some Muslims experience. No one has the right to be persecuted. It is also legitimate to not accept Islamic persecution, oppression and hatred towards non Muslim religions and people.
It is never right to accept or justify terror as a legitimate response to oppression and persecution. Not unless there is a desire for more bloodshed and misery.
The Plastic Poisoned Planet And Not So Bright Future
Go to a number of third world countries where plastic bags are used for almost everything. The food bought on the streets are placed into plastic bags. Almost everything bought is placed in plastic bags of one size or another, and then discarded on the ground. Because there is no garbage pickup, the earth itself becomes the trash can. For the countries located along the Pacific, the plastic eventually makes its way into the ocean. From there it spreads thousands of miles, killing turtles, albatrosses, all kinds of marine life, while working its way up the food chain. The plastic eventually breaks down into small particles that are virtually indestructible, and that are here to poison the world for thousands of years to come. Welcome to the future, and it is not the bright fantasy world some imagine. It does not have to be this way, but there is no will to make significant change.
Monday, December 19, 2016
While The World Is Poisoned With Plastics, We Think Technology Will Protect And Advance Mankind
Everyday all across the world millions of plastic bags are used. Bags that do not biodegrade, and that break down into smaller, impossible to remove from the environment pieces. Pieces that damage the oceans, marine life that consumes the tiny plastic poison particles, and ultimately humans, other mammals and birds. No one knows what will be the long term impact of this plastic poisoning of the planet, but what is known for sure is that it will not be good.
This plastic poisoning of the land and oceans is not slowing down. Every day tons of plastic are thrown onto the ground and into waters. Most of the world has no proper disposal system for plastic, Styrofoam and other toxic poisons and non biodegradable garbage. The developed world may be able to dispose of its plastics, Styrofoam and other non biodegradable poisons, but the third world has no such capacity.
The delusional world of technology has people believing mankind is advancing. |We can talk better on ultimately discarded devices, get information on the internet, send men to the moon, do the most complicated medical procedures, but not figure out how to stop poisoning this world and ourselves.
This plastic poisoning of the land and oceans is not slowing down. Every day tons of plastic are thrown onto the ground and into waters. Most of the world has no proper disposal system for plastic, Styrofoam and other toxic poisons and non biodegradable garbage. The developed world may be able to dispose of its plastics, Styrofoam and other non biodegradable poisons, but the third world has no such capacity.
The delusional world of technology has people believing mankind is advancing. |We can talk better on ultimately discarded devices, get information on the internet, send men to the moon, do the most complicated medical procedures, but not figure out how to stop poisoning this world and ourselves.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Thinking Out Of The Box Had Better Start Applying To Religion, Politics, Not Just Technology
There is an interesting documentary that aired on a Japanese television station regarding a Japanese man that is able to think out of the box and come up with amazing technological solutions to the use of nuts, bolts, and other things. When thinking minds cannot come with solutions, it takes an innovator to think out of the box.
The world of technology allows for innovative thinking. Many of the rest of human endeavors are stagnant. In the realm of religion, politics, and so forth, we are stuck with the same ideas and beliefs, no matter how irrelevant or harmful they may be. Centuries or thousands of years ago, we are told to believe this or that, and people cling to it like it is a life raft.
It is not a life raft. This world is choking on the destruction mankind has wrought. Thinking out of the box needs to apply to everything without fear of getting your head chopped off or retribution.
No matter how far technology advances, it ultimately will go nowhere. If the world continues to be degraded and contaminated, everything will be brought down.
The world of technology allows for innovative thinking. Many of the rest of human endeavors are stagnant. In the realm of religion, politics, and so forth, we are stuck with the same ideas and beliefs, no matter how irrelevant or harmful they may be. Centuries or thousands of years ago, we are told to believe this or that, and people cling to it like it is a life raft.
It is not a life raft. This world is choking on the destruction mankind has wrought. Thinking out of the box needs to apply to everything without fear of getting your head chopped off or retribution.
No matter how far technology advances, it ultimately will go nowhere. If the world continues to be degraded and contaminated, everything will be brought down.
China's Destruction Of South China Sea Reefs, Atolls,Islands. Less Food For China, Philippines And Others
The destruction by China of the South China Sea reefs, atolls, coral islands is ensuring future hunger not only for many Chinese, but also for many Filipinos and other people. People can eat fish and marine life. Military bases and airstrips might feed nationalism, but nationalism, military bases and airstrips do not feed people.
Why Keeping A Healthy Environment Must Trump All; Sports, Culture, Religion, Politics
The things many people think are primary; sports, culture, religion, politics, recreation, entertainment, music,dance, art, philosophy, academia, etc., are really secondary. All life depends on what this world can provide. And yet it continues to be turned into an overcrowded, degraded garbage pit.
It is irrelevant if someone loves or hates nature, cares about the environment or could care less about it. This has nothing to do with the wants and desires of people. It has everything to do with the health, safety and lives of humanity and everything that lives.
It is hard to travel in this world and be oblivious to the amount of trash, plastic, contaminants, poisons pumped into the streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, land, air. It is impossible not to see the continued destruction of forests, mangroves, coral reefs, and other ecosystems, and wonder what is the tipping point at which this world is so polluted and degraded that life as we know it is no longer sustainable.
It is irrelevant if someone loves or hates nature, cares about the environment or could care less about it. This has nothing to do with the wants and desires of people. It has everything to do with the health, safety and lives of humanity and everything that lives.
It is hard to travel in this world and be oblivious to the amount of trash, plastic, contaminants, poisons pumped into the streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, land, air. It is impossible not to see the continued destruction of forests, mangroves, coral reefs, and other ecosystems, and wonder what is the tipping point at which this world is so polluted and degraded that life as we know it is no longer sustainable.
Friday, December 16, 2016
The Stock Market Is An Indicator Of Only One Thing, And It Is Not The Future
The stock market has no conscious, no awareness of the past, present or future. It is a nonthinking entity that predicts nothing. It is not a forward thinking indicator.
It goes up or down based on one thing alone. If more money flows into the market than out, the stock market will go up. If more money is pulled out of the market than what goes in, it will go down. Likewise, if more people buy a stock than sell, the stock will go up. If more people sell the stock than buy, it will go down down.
Big institutions can move markets and stock prices by their buys and sells. In general, if there is not a recession, the market tends to go up. If there is a recession with high unemployment, the market may go down because there are less people buying into it.
Why the big Trump rally right now? Because Trump will be a great president that will make the economy strong? No one knows yet what a Trump presidency will be. The market does not know. It only responds to the huge influx of money that is driving prices higher.
People attribute to the stock market things it is not. Maybe this rally is irrational exuberance. Money pouring in that can just as easily pour out. Even Obama thinks a high stock market is a reflection of a strong economy. It is easy to ignore sluggish growth, depressed wages, the continued loss of the middle class, and think a high stock market is some kind of financial accomplishment.
Governments around the world have done everything they can to punish savers and force people into the stock market. We are in the same boat now. Our underfunded pension funds, our retirements, pretty much everything. So much depends on a rising stock market that it is downright dangerous.
It goes up or down based on one thing alone. If more money flows into the market than out, the stock market will go up. If more money is pulled out of the market than what goes in, it will go down. Likewise, if more people buy a stock than sell, the stock will go up. If more people sell the stock than buy, it will go down down.
Big institutions can move markets and stock prices by their buys and sells. In general, if there is not a recession, the market tends to go up. If there is a recession with high unemployment, the market may go down because there are less people buying into it.
Why the big Trump rally right now? Because Trump will be a great president that will make the economy strong? No one knows yet what a Trump presidency will be. The market does not know. It only responds to the huge influx of money that is driving prices higher.
People attribute to the stock market things it is not. Maybe this rally is irrational exuberance. Money pouring in that can just as easily pour out. Even Obama thinks a high stock market is a reflection of a strong economy. It is easy to ignore sluggish growth, depressed wages, the continued loss of the middle class, and think a high stock market is some kind of financial accomplishment.
Governments around the world have done everything they can to punish savers and force people into the stock market. We are in the same boat now. Our underfunded pension funds, our retirements, pretty much everything. So much depends on a rising stock market that it is downright dangerous.
Mixed Martial Arts Gift - Dementia And Damaged Brains
No matter how skilled a martial artist might be, no matter how trained, no matter how tough, the human head did not evolve to sustain blows. The damaging effects of concussions, the effects of repeated blows to the head, are becoming increasingly well known. A terrible chain of events can be set into motion from blows to the head.
A woman that is a martial artist champion gave a brief speech, proclaiming the virtues of mixed martial arts. She is correct that it is good for people to know how to defend themselves. But when the process of learning self defense can be more damaging or as damaging as actually getting beaten up, nothing good is accomplished. People, especially young people, can learn to defend themselves without risking brain damage by sustaining head blows. The mixed martial arts fighters sustaining repeated blows to their heads do not realize how they are playing Russian roulette with their futures.
No blow to the head is safe.
A woman that is a martial artist champion gave a brief speech, proclaiming the virtues of mixed martial arts. She is correct that it is good for people to know how to defend themselves. But when the process of learning self defense can be more damaging or as damaging as actually getting beaten up, nothing good is accomplished. People, especially young people, can learn to defend themselves without risking brain damage by sustaining head blows. The mixed martial arts fighters sustaining repeated blows to their heads do not realize how they are playing Russian roulette with their futures.
No blow to the head is safe.
Giant Food And Beverage Corporations Contribution To Deteriorating Oceans And Human Health
The giant food and beverage corporations that sell billions of dollars of cheap, unhealthy foods to the third world, can be thanked for helping destroy the Pacific ocean by their continued use of non biodegradable wrappers. Where do their executives think all these wrappers and plastics go? Do they think there are organized garbage removal systems like in the developed world? As
third world countries face epidemics of diabetes, early age tooth loss, heart disease and other diseases from the high salt, high saturated fat, high sugar, low fiber diet presented by the giant food and beverage corporations, the Pacific ocean waters and life must contend with the tons of discarded cheap food non biodegradable wrappers.
third world countries face epidemics of diabetes, early age tooth loss, heart disease and other diseases from the high salt, high saturated fat, high sugar, low fiber diet presented by the giant food and beverage corporations, the Pacific ocean waters and life must contend with the tons of discarded cheap food non biodegradable wrappers.
The Artificial World Of Abundance For the Rich; The World Of Depletion For The Many
Rich people have in their hands most of the world's wealth, power and resources. In their universe there is abundance. They cannot see for the most part the massive depletion that keeps billions in grinding poverty. The rich have plenty of fish, foods of all sorts, activities in which to engage, resources at their fingertips. The people most capable of affecting change have the least incentive for changing anything.
In the real world, not the world of an artificial abundance that is unsustainable and that is far removed from reality, there is enormous degradation and depletion. Fishing communities are finding it harder and harder to find enough fish to keep malnutrition at bay. Entire ecosystems are collapsing as human activity drives species after species into extinction or near extinction. Mangroves, forests, coral reefs, all kinds of ecosystems are falling away under the weight of development and overuse.
Changing weather patterns may make people wake up to the ways human activities adversely affects nature. But unless things reach crisis levels, at which point it is probably too late to act, people will continue to talk about how we impact nature without doing much of anything. What is not a thing of the future, and that is happening before our eyes, is the rapid destruction of habitat and wildlife. A polluted, contaminated, degraded world cannot sustain a human population this large. Already untold numbers suffer as a result.
In the real world, not the world of an artificial abundance that is unsustainable and that is far removed from reality, there is enormous degradation and depletion. Fishing communities are finding it harder and harder to find enough fish to keep malnutrition at bay. Entire ecosystems are collapsing as human activity drives species after species into extinction or near extinction. Mangroves, forests, coral reefs, all kinds of ecosystems are falling away under the weight of development and overuse.
Changing weather patterns may make people wake up to the ways human activities adversely affects nature. But unless things reach crisis levels, at which point it is probably too late to act, people will continue to talk about how we impact nature without doing much of anything. What is not a thing of the future, and that is happening before our eyes, is the rapid destruction of habitat and wildlife. A polluted, contaminated, degraded world cannot sustain a human population this large. Already untold numbers suffer as a result.
Friday, December 9, 2016
More Plastic In the Oceans Than Fish
A recent documentary that aired regarding the remote island of Midway and plastic, asserted that by the year 2050 there will be more plastic by weight in the oceans than the total weight of fish. Already there is probably more plastic in the ocean by volume than fish. Many albatrosses on Midway are dying from plastics, which certain albatross species cannot distinguish from fish and squid. Many albatross young are dying from the plastics that their parents mistake for fish and squid and feed to their chicks.
This is not natural selection, which one person suggested. This is outright destruction. The toxic stew of plastics, including Styrofoam and other poisons, are not biodegrading. Rather, they break down to smaller sizes, which are almost indestructible. Nano plastic particles have been proven to be able to penetrate cell membranes. How much plastic and other man made toxins now exists in the tissues of marine life? How about in the marine mammals that eat fish? How about in the humans that eat fish and marine mammals? A huge number of people rely on fish.
The documentary stated that China is the biggest source of plastic entering the oceans, followed by Indonesia and then the Philippines. Every day tons of plastic, Styrofoam, and other oil based poisoning products enter the ocean. If the Pacific dies, human existence will be put in jeopardy.
While nations engage each other in nationalistic and religious nonsense, the real threats to human existence continue to be ignored. The world refuses to address with the same urgency ecological threats as it does perceived military, religious, and nationalistic threats, and continues to ignore the ecological threats that peril us all.
This is not natural selection, which one person suggested. This is outright destruction. The toxic stew of plastics, including Styrofoam and other poisons, are not biodegrading. Rather, they break down to smaller sizes, which are almost indestructible. Nano plastic particles have been proven to be able to penetrate cell membranes. How much plastic and other man made toxins now exists in the tissues of marine life? How about in the marine mammals that eat fish? How about in the humans that eat fish and marine mammals? A huge number of people rely on fish.
The documentary stated that China is the biggest source of plastic entering the oceans, followed by Indonesia and then the Philippines. Every day tons of plastic, Styrofoam, and other oil based poisoning products enter the ocean. If the Pacific dies, human existence will be put in jeopardy.
While nations engage each other in nationalistic and religious nonsense, the real threats to human existence continue to be ignored. The world refuses to address with the same urgency ecological threats as it does perceived military, religious, and nationalistic threats, and continues to ignore the ecological threats that peril us all.
Does Russian Television(RT) Incite Conflict, Even Nuclear Conflict?
Russian television now makes it seem that the United States wants war, even nuclear war with China, and perhaps also Russia, and that the United States is creating a noose around China's neck with its military bases. Why it is in the interest of Russian television to continue with endless incitement is perhaps their only way to deflect criticism of what actually takes place in Russia. The United States has long maintained bases all over the world, which is nothing new and does not all of a sudden present a new threat. (An aside- an over reaching military presence will bankrupt the United States).
Here is a short reality check- no matter how much Russia, China, the United States, love or hate each other, the one thing that is never possible is war between any of these three countries. The United States, Russia, China, can never go to war with each other unless they are determined to destroy the human race and most life on this planet. Russian television choosing to provoke and antagonize is irresponsible and contrary not only to Russian interests, but to the interests of every country.
Here is a short reality check- no matter how much Russia, China, the United States, love or hate each other, the one thing that is never possible is war between any of these three countries. The United States, Russia, China, can never go to war with each other unless they are determined to destroy the human race and most life on this planet. Russian television choosing to provoke and antagonize is irresponsible and contrary not only to Russian interests, but to the interests of every country.
A Former CIA Officer- More Unchallenged Nonsense From Russian Television(RT)
An allegedly former CIA officer appearing on Russian Television(RT) in yet another anti American tirade, insists that the neocons(neoconservatives) and Israel want Syria engaged in the terrible wars that are now taking place. As usual, anything anti west and pro Russia never gets challenged on Russian television. Here is a short reality check- the neocons lost power 8 years ago. The Syrian war has raged during the time of the Obama administration, which is not a neoconservative administration.
It is not in the interest of Syria, the Syrian people, all of Syria's neighbors, including Israel, the west, Europe, Russia, the entire world, to have Syria or any country engaged in endless war, suffering and bloodshed. The Obama administration, which has been ineffective in its approach to the middle east, is not neoconservative. Probably they are as at much of a loss as to how to stop the terrible bloodshed as most others. But of course, the parade of unchallenged guests on Russian television always have easy answers and ready scapegoats.
It is not in the interest of Syria, the Syrian people, all of Syria's neighbors, including Israel, the west, Europe, Russia, the entire world, to have Syria or any country engaged in endless war, suffering and bloodshed. The Obama administration, which has been ineffective in its approach to the middle east, is not neoconservative. Probably they are as at much of a loss as to how to stop the terrible bloodshed as most others. But of course, the parade of unchallenged guests on Russian television always have easy answers and ready scapegoats.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
The Pandering Hawks Of RT(Russian Television)
A hawk is a nondiscriminatory predator. It is not selective in what it targets, provided it is an acceptable food source. It does not pander and patronize. Recently these so called hawks had on yet another unchallenged guest ventilating her nonsense. So let us get the narrative straight that they want to present- the United States never progressed beyond slavery. The United States, so they would have us think, unlike Russia, is an oppressive power that brutalizes its minority populations unlike anywhere else in the world.
Have these two young lily white so called progressives ever traveled in the third world? Have they ever seen real suffering and poverty?
There is a lot of injustice in the United States, no different than anywhere else in the world. but there is also a level of freedom that exists in few other places. If these hawk wannabes really want to show their drive for justice, try one single criticism of Putin's Russia and watch how quickly their overpaid do nothing job disappears.
Meanwhile, to the rambling black racist that insists blacks must have their own country separate from the rest of the United States- what a shame such a relentless racist gets so much unchallenged air time. She too should spend time in the the third world and see why so many people, Africans included, are desperate to go to the United States.
Race hate and incitement is a business. It allows lazy, cowardly, hate filled people to not have to work for a living. Count on good ole Russian television to give them a voice, as long as their hatred is directed towards Jews, whites, and a few others, which are seemingly acceptable targets for Russian television.
Have these two young lily white so called progressives ever traveled in the third world? Have they ever seen real suffering and poverty?
There is a lot of injustice in the United States, no different than anywhere else in the world. but there is also a level of freedom that exists in few other places. If these hawk wannabes really want to show their drive for justice, try one single criticism of Putin's Russia and watch how quickly their overpaid do nothing job disappears.
Meanwhile, to the rambling black racist that insists blacks must have their own country separate from the rest of the United States- what a shame such a relentless racist gets so much unchallenged air time. She too should spend time in the the third world and see why so many people, Africans included, are desperate to go to the United States.
Race hate and incitement is a business. It allows lazy, cowardly, hate filled people to not have to work for a living. Count on good ole Russian television to give them a voice, as long as their hatred is directed towards Jews, whites, and a few others, which are seemingly acceptable targets for Russian television.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
The Killing Continues In Aleppo To The Applause Of Phony Progressives
To the so called progressive scholar from California who believes that America and the west are outraged that Aleppo is being "liberated". She thinks that the outrage has nothing to do with innocent civilian causalities, and only has to do with the fact that Sunni terrorists are getting defeated.
Decent people do not want to see the blind bombing of Aleppo by either side that is killing innocent civilians. This is the outrage.
Phony progressives could care less about babies, children, human life, unless it is ammunition to feed their political agenda.
Decent people do not want innocent civilians terrorized and killed by Russian and Syrian air strikes and bombs in Aleppo, just as decent people do not want innocent civilians killed by the bombs and mortars from Sunni terrorist groups.
Decent people do not want to see the blind bombing of Aleppo by either side that is killing innocent civilians. This is the outrage.
Phony progressives could care less about babies, children, human life, unless it is ammunition to feed their political agenda.
Decent people do not want innocent civilians terrorized and killed by Russian and Syrian air strikes and bombs in Aleppo, just as decent people do not want innocent civilians killed by the bombs and mortars from Sunni terrorist groups.
Russian Television(RT) Begins To Backtrack On Trump Support
Already Russian Television(RT) is beginning to backtrack from their support of Trump. They should embrace Trump wholeheartedly, as it is now two billionaires running two countries, Trump and Putin. Maybe it is because the progressive facade cannot be maintained if they continue to support Trump.
Lesson one in recognizing phony progressives- their criticisms and probing eyes are highly selective.
Lesson one in recognizing hacks and lackeys - they are incapable of criticizing their masters, regardless of what their masters do.
Lesson one in recognizing phony progressives- their criticisms and probing eyes are highly selective.
Lesson one in recognizing hacks and lackeys - they are incapable of criticizing their masters, regardless of what their masters do.
Oil Rich Islamic Nations Refuse To Take In Fellow Arab Muslim Refugees
Why is it that the oil rich Islamic nations of the world are exempt from responsibility in taking in refugees, especially because millions of the refugees are their fellow Arab Muslims that share the same language, religion, and culture? Does their oil exempt them from moral responsibility by a hypocritical west? Already they have squandered billions of dollars of oil wealth on destabilizing the world by spreading the most intolerant, bigoted, hate filled versions of Islam. They are perfectly capable of helping their fellow Arab Muslim refugees, and yet they will not lift a finger, and no one questions why or holds them responsible.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
What The NY Times Misses Regarding Wildlife Officers Getting Killed By Poachers
From my own personal experience, I believe the NY Times is not credible and will make up facts to suit a story. But that will be the subject of another blog. The NY Times ran an article regarding how wildlife officers are being killed and decimated by poachers.
The conservation, wildlife, animal protection organizations collectively are sitting on billions of dollars in assets. How is it that to this day, other than in a few high profile selective situations and sites, they have completely failed to adequately protect flora and fauna, especially when it comes to the third world( the places with the greatest biodiversity and also destruction)? These organizations bear responsibility for the deaths of rangers that they could have ensured are adequately trained and armed.
The conservation, wildlife, animal protection organizations collectively are sitting on billions of dollars in assets. How is it that to this day, other than in a few high profile selective situations and sites, they have completely failed to adequately protect flora and fauna, especially when it comes to the third world( the places with the greatest biodiversity and also destruction)? These organizations bear responsibility for the deaths of rangers that they could have ensured are adequately trained and armed.
Limited Government With Maximum Corporate Power
The mantra in the United States by the republicans and conservatives is to have limited government, even as a number of them do everything they can to get an elected position in government or a government job. Meanwhile, no one talks about limiting or at least questioning the vast power of corporations, assuming that they are the holy grail. Will the future be more corporate monopolies, more corporate corruption and collusion with government, more corporate control of every aspect of our lives? From the coffee we drink to almost everything we eat, breathe, drink, see, hear, taste, touch and smell. If the corporations do not like the environmental and labor laws, these entities with loyalty to no one except their boards, senior management, and big shareholders, simply change locations to another country. Every time the mantra is sung about limiting big government, listen carefully how no such song is sung about what really controls our lives.
Russia And Qatar, Perfect Paradises. The World According To Russian Television(RT) And Al Jazeera
The reason Russian Television (RT) and Al Jazeera never probe or investigate their sponsoring countries, Russia for RT and Qatar for Al Jazeera, is because everything is perfect in those countries. They can serve nonstop incitement against the countries, peoples and places their sponsors do not like, but never, ever tarnish the image of their masters. Putin and the oil rich king and sheikhs of Qatar are above reproach. In Russia, there is no corruption, no poverty, no environmental concerns, no human rights abuses, no dissatisfaction among laborers, farmers, or anyone. Or so the propagandists would have us think. Ditto for Qatar, another perfect paradise, even for all the foreign workers that slave away so Qataris never have to.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Protecting Unskilled Filipino And Other Foreign Workers; Long Overdue In The Islamic Nations Of The Middle East
The Islamic nations of the middle east would tremendously advance decency and humanity in this world by aggressively protecting the rights of all their foreign workers. Not just the highly skilled and educated professional foreign workers, who often do not share the fate of many of the unskilled, uneducated workers. Unskilled women in particular are highly vulnerable to rape, physical abuse, and even murder. Men and women from poor countries are frequently exploited, earning less than their promised wages. Domestic helpers are subject to beatings, loss of wages, and sexual abuse.
The Philippines has not been able to adequately provide its citizens with decent jobs. (We will not delve into the driving forces, including how a tiny few control almost all of the countries wealth, resources, and often politicians, the inability to provide responsible family planning in an incredibly overpopulated country where there is enormous religious resistance, a vastly degraded environment depleted of forests, coral reefs, mangroves, with few environmental protections, few labor protections, exploitative contract labor, and more).
Many Filipinos, desperate to help their families and escape poverty, risk their health, safety, and lives by going abroad to foreign lands where they are left vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. They are particularly vulnerable in a number of middle east Islamic countries where there has been a failure to protect this eager to work, vulnerable population.
By undertaking initiatives to protect their foreign worker population, the Islamic countries of the middle east will be achieving a huge step forward in the advancement of human rights and decency. This must include treating their foreign workers as equals to their own citizens when it comes to their safety and welfare. Special task forces can be created that will track, monitor, and maintain in personal contact with foreign workers to ensure they are properly treated. By ensuring all human beings will be treated fairly under their jurisdiction, the Islamic nations of the middle east will be places where all people will want to work and visit. They must not continue to be places that vulnerable populations fear.
The Philippines has not been able to adequately provide its citizens with decent jobs. (We will not delve into the driving forces, including how a tiny few control almost all of the countries wealth, resources, and often politicians, the inability to provide responsible family planning in an incredibly overpopulated country where there is enormous religious resistance, a vastly degraded environment depleted of forests, coral reefs, mangroves, with few environmental protections, few labor protections, exploitative contract labor, and more).
Many Filipinos, desperate to help their families and escape poverty, risk their health, safety, and lives by going abroad to foreign lands where they are left vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. They are particularly vulnerable in a number of middle east Islamic countries where there has been a failure to protect this eager to work, vulnerable population.
By undertaking initiatives to protect their foreign worker population, the Islamic countries of the middle east will be achieving a huge step forward in the advancement of human rights and decency. This must include treating their foreign workers as equals to their own citizens when it comes to their safety and welfare. Special task forces can be created that will track, monitor, and maintain in personal contact with foreign workers to ensure they are properly treated. By ensuring all human beings will be treated fairly under their jurisdiction, the Islamic nations of the middle east will be places where all people will want to work and visit. They must not continue to be places that vulnerable populations fear.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Why The Media Wanted Trump. Why RT And Al Jazeera Are Not Alternatives To The Corporate Media
There is a corporate media, not a free media. The United States is bought, sold and owned by corporations. A free and independent press died years ago. The media is not there to serve the public interest. Its first and primary goal is to make money for its shareholders. The media is about money, and money comes from ratings. The media is not about the public good, the national interest, even though that may be part of their spin.
Donald trump has been great for the media. Liberal or conservative, it makes no difference. Trump is the best thing that ever happened to them, even if they personally do not like him. Trump brings to them an expanded audience and ratings they never could have imagined under a less colorful person. Trump did not have to outspend Clinton on advertisements. Trump received more free media exposure than any candidate ever.
To those media outlets owned or sponsored by governments that pretend to be the alternative to the corporate press, they may deceive some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Let us be clear- when an outlet like Russian Television(RT), or Al Jazeera (Qatar owned), shine their spotlights on the targets they do not like, but never on themselves, they become the propaganda arm of a government. They do have insightful documentaries at times, but never anything critical of what takes place in their sponsoring countries( one would think everything is perfect in Qatar and Russia, which is far from the reality). Their complete failure to ever criticize their sponsoring governments or anything that takes places inside of Russia or Qatar renders them useless as an objective media source and as an alternative to the corporate press.
A small number of media conglomerates own and control most of what people daily access. The world gets shaped by their corporate vision and eagerness to earn money and have high ratings. The alternative is no alternative, which are the government sponsored propaganda media outlets that endlessly spin news and programs against what their sponsoring governments do not like, and never anything against their sponsoring government masters. How unfortunate the media is controlled by big money and certain governments, and served fresh by corporate and government sponsored lackeys.
Donald trump has been great for the media. Liberal or conservative, it makes no difference. Trump is the best thing that ever happened to them, even if they personally do not like him. Trump brings to them an expanded audience and ratings they never could have imagined under a less colorful person. Trump did not have to outspend Clinton on advertisements. Trump received more free media exposure than any candidate ever.
To those media outlets owned or sponsored by governments that pretend to be the alternative to the corporate press, they may deceive some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Let us be clear- when an outlet like Russian Television(RT), or Al Jazeera (Qatar owned), shine their spotlights on the targets they do not like, but never on themselves, they become the propaganda arm of a government. They do have insightful documentaries at times, but never anything critical of what takes place in their sponsoring countries( one would think everything is perfect in Qatar and Russia, which is far from the reality). Their complete failure to ever criticize their sponsoring governments or anything that takes places inside of Russia or Qatar renders them useless as an objective media source and as an alternative to the corporate press.
A small number of media conglomerates own and control most of what people daily access. The world gets shaped by their corporate vision and eagerness to earn money and have high ratings. The alternative is no alternative, which are the government sponsored propaganda media outlets that endlessly spin news and programs against what their sponsoring governments do not like, and never anything against their sponsoring government masters. How unfortunate the media is controlled by big money and certain governments, and served fresh by corporate and government sponsored lackeys.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Why Is An International Conservation Organization Approving Salmon Farms?
A prominent conservation organization with a worldwide presence has been giving their seal of approval to some Pacific ocean Australian salmon fisheries that are farming Atlantic salmon. An expose by an Australian television network about salmon farming revealed that the conservation organization's seal of approval does have a price tag.
We will not digress into the environmental and health consequences that are associated with salmon farming. Rather, let us ask, why is a worldwide conservation organization lending their corporate logo and seal of approval to salmon farming corporations? What qualifications does this nonprofit corporation have to assess Atlantic salmon fish farms? What does the organization mean by responsibly raised salmon that is in environmental compliance? What are the guidelines and standards that must be met in order for the organization to grant approval? Do they even have standards and guidelines? If so, are they readily available to the public? Are the salmon farm fisheries really in environmental compliance just because this organization, or another nonprofit entity, makes this assertion?
We will not digress into the environmental and health consequences that are associated with salmon farming. Rather, let us ask, why is a worldwide conservation organization lending their corporate logo and seal of approval to salmon farming corporations? What qualifications does this nonprofit corporation have to assess Atlantic salmon fish farms? What does the organization mean by responsibly raised salmon that is in environmental compliance? What are the guidelines and standards that must be met in order for the organization to grant approval? Do they even have standards and guidelines? If so, are they readily available to the public? Are the salmon farm fisheries really in environmental compliance just because this organization, or another nonprofit entity, makes this assertion?
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
The Civilians Of Alleppo Continue To Suffer
The civilian population of Aleppo is caught between a murderous regime and murderous Islamists. Why Russia thinks the endless bombings and blind support of Assad is in their strategic interest is beyond imagination. It is civilians that are paying the price. Civilians are dying, the city continues to be turned into rubble, and no one does anything.
How To Not Stop Dog Fighters And Animal Abusers
Contribute to an animal organization that claims to be doing something to stop dog fighting and animal cruelty, and believe their hype. To this very day they continue to go unchallenged about the efficacy of what they actually do. People rely on their unchallenged claims, while people like myself that witnessed firsthand what they actually do can only lament how so many animals must suffer in order for them to maintain their ineffective and often harmful programs and profits.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
A Common Terrorist Justification For Evil. Ohio State University Attack
Another cowardly terrorist attack took place today, this time at a U.S. university in which the terrorist attacked innocent people, justifying his actions by citing the mistreatment of Muslims in Myanmar and elsewhere.
No one anywhere in the world has the right to attack civilian populations based on grievances, real or not. Muslims do not have that right, and so does no one else. There has been a long standing perverse belief that grievances and past harms mean entitlement to harm others. Open this Pandora box of evil, which is already being opened, and the bloodshed and killing will never stop.
No one anywhere in the world has the right to attack civilian populations based on grievances, real or not. Muslims do not have that right, and so does no one else. There has been a long standing perverse belief that grievances and past harms mean entitlement to harm others. Open this Pandora box of evil, which is already being opened, and the bloodshed and killing will never stop.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
From President On Down, Feed Hype;Then Money And Followers Are Assured
Obama promised change you can believe in, and people fell head over heals over the promise. Never mind that 8 years later, it is unrealized dreams. Including how the U.S. pulled out of its commitments in Iraq, having left Iraq and Syria wide open to a group of genocidal Islamists. It is not enough for Obama to claim success because he followed in the heals of one of the most incompetent, foolish presidents that ever came to power. George Bush rushed into wars that to this day have been disastrous for the world. He and his cronies get to rest in luxurious retirements, or in their continued presence in high paying positions, while the world suffers from their lies, deceit, and eagerness to wage war. An eagerness that was virtually unchecked, including by the U.S. corporate media that years ago ceased to be a free press.
Trump made lofty promises of change. He will bring good jobs back to America. He will revitalize blighted urban low income minority communities and provide jobs. Was there a critical examination of how this will be achieved, and if he really had a viable, achievable plan? He promised to destroy ISIS, offering nothing substantive.
We are inundated with commercials and advertisements from the for profit and nonprofit world from the time we are infants. A constant barrage of often misleading information, false, unchecked promises and claims. By the time we are thinking adults, we are already numbed, dumb downed people that believe what we are told if it comes from a source we are conditioned to believe is reputable. Add to that a school system that stresses conformity.
In the nonprofit world, organizations only have to claim to help animals, the environment, to stop cruelty, to help the poor, to help children, to help the rain forest, to help the chimpanzees, to help the dogs, cats, bats, and on and on, and that is enough to separate people from their pocket books. All the while there is a lack of critical examination of what it is these organizations actually do, and their efficacy.
It is a day and age of no accountability. Just feed the hype, and people will eagerly buy it. As long as an organization or person has enough prestige, power, and money, people blindly follow. From the president on down, just say the right words, make the right promises, feed the right hype, and success, contributions, money and even elections are assured.
Trump made lofty promises of change. He will bring good jobs back to America. He will revitalize blighted urban low income minority communities and provide jobs. Was there a critical examination of how this will be achieved, and if he really had a viable, achievable plan? He promised to destroy ISIS, offering nothing substantive.
We are inundated with commercials and advertisements from the for profit and nonprofit world from the time we are infants. A constant barrage of often misleading information, false, unchecked promises and claims. By the time we are thinking adults, we are already numbed, dumb downed people that believe what we are told if it comes from a source we are conditioned to believe is reputable. Add to that a school system that stresses conformity.
In the nonprofit world, organizations only have to claim to help animals, the environment, to stop cruelty, to help the poor, to help children, to help the rain forest, to help the chimpanzees, to help the dogs, cats, bats, and on and on, and that is enough to separate people from their pocket books. All the while there is a lack of critical examination of what it is these organizations actually do, and their efficacy.
It is a day and age of no accountability. Just feed the hype, and people will eagerly buy it. As long as an organization or person has enough prestige, power, and money, people blindly follow. From the president on down, just say the right words, make the right promises, feed the right hype, and success, contributions, money and even elections are assured.
The Blind Worship Of Money and Power
One day even the richest man in the world will die, and then he will have the same thing the poorest person in the world has; nothing. People cannot stop themselves from worshiping those that have money and power, no matter how often history teaches to do otherwise.
Monday, November 21, 2016
A Forest And Its Wildlife Dies
Destroying a rare rain forest in order to put up buildings, roads, commercial, industrial, tourist interests, may be considered development. Humans weigh progress by what they construct, not by what they destroy. Nature continues to be of little or no value, especially in most of the third world, except to a few wildlife and conservation organizations that make fortunes by pretending it has value. Meanwhile, a wonderful forest and all its rare and colorful wildlife were destroyed, and no one lifted a finger to protect it. Not one of these undeserving money grubbing organizations will ever take responsibility for this ugly monument that stands where nature once was.
Russian Television(RT) - The Art Of Selective Outrage. Syria's Hell Continues
Just because ISIS is an evil group of Islamic fanatics does not give justification to the blind support of Assad that Russia chooses to give. There was a time when the Syrian people protested peacefully for more freedom. Instead of responding, Assad, a western educated eye doctor, brutally suppressed the peaceful demonstrators. Now the whole thing has morphed into an incredibly ugly war with civilians caught between a brutal regime supported by Russia, Iran, and Iran's Hezbollah puppet army, and incredibly vicious Islamists on the other side such as ISIS. Assad's regime has been torturing and mass murdering. The world, whatever sane portion is left, has the right to question the insane support of the mass murdering Assad regime along with anyone evil enough to support the murderous ISIS Islamists.
Does the mass killing of civilians by Assad's regime bother Russian television(RT)? Or are they more disturbed by any criticism or allegations made against Putin, the multi billionaire Czar of Russia? An American state department official accused Russia of bombing hospitals in Syria. The Putin puppets went nuts over the allegations. How dare anyone question Putin or what he has turned Russia into? Any politician anywhere in the world that uses politics to enrich himself and his cronies, that suppresses all reasonable opposition, that wages wars to support a brutal regime that has nothing to do with that country's national interest, deserves at least a raised eyebrow, something the phony progressives are completely incapable of doing.
Does the mass killing of civilians by Assad's regime bother Russian television(RT)? Or are they more disturbed by any criticism or allegations made against Putin, the multi billionaire Czar of Russia? An American state department official accused Russia of bombing hospitals in Syria. The Putin puppets went nuts over the allegations. How dare anyone question Putin or what he has turned Russia into? Any politician anywhere in the world that uses politics to enrich himself and his cronies, that suppresses all reasonable opposition, that wages wars to support a brutal regime that has nothing to do with that country's national interest, deserves at least a raised eyebrow, something the phony progressives are completely incapable of doing.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
A Governor In Indonesia Is Accused Of Blasphemy; Will Toleration Or Darkness Prevail?
A governor in Indonesia has been accused of blasphemy. There are those that thankfully are protesting this absurdity and are calling for tolerance and moderation. But there are also those that indulge in bigotry and hate. One cleric was recorded telling a group of young people how the Jews and Christians cannot be trusted. If Indonesia goes the way of intolerance, it will be a huge blow to humanity. Teaching people to hate other people simply because of what is their religion is the way to war and the dark ages. Indonesia has a history of tolerance and moderation. Hopefully this will not be lost, and the elements in the Islamic world that teach bigotry and hate will not poison Indonesia in the same way that they have poisoned other places. The world needs moderation and tolerance, because without these things, there is no future for Indonesia or the world.
Defining The World By Skin Color, Religion, Or Ethnicity; The Inability to Evolve Beyond Hate
Weak people need simple answers and a target to hate. Instead of viewing the world as the complex place that it is, weak people need to make things simple, and what is simpler and baser than indulging in hate? People that know better and should resist hate, too often are selective about who is doing the hating, making excuses for one group while condemning another. While the world faces enormous problems that threaten the survival of humanity, weak people concern themselves only with the color of their skin, or what religion they belong to, or their ethnicity, doing their utmost to make sure that those that are different are excluded and persecuted. And instead of broad basely not accepting hate, those that know better too often indulge their own prejudices by selective and hypocritical morality.
Friday, November 18, 2016
David And The Art Of Race Baiting, Jew Hating And Making A Fortune From Hate And Laziness
It is easier to be a spoiled, whiny Jew baiting, race hating weak excuse for a man than to work at a real job, suffer like most of the rest of the world, and quit looking for a scapegoat. Unfortunately, hatred and scapegoating is still the road to fame and fortune for far too many. The world continues to pay a heavy cost for these weak minded cowards.
Islamic Bigotry, Hatred And Intolerance, Not Islam, Must Be Resisted
A significant number of people in the Islamic world are learning religious intolerance, bigotry, religious superiority, the use of terror and violence to achieve religious and political ends, and jihad as the way to expand Islam through war, terror and violence. If the ideology of hatred, intolerance and bigotry is not faced, then humanity will forever be fighting the end product; ISIS like deranged religious fanatics that murder and rape at will the so called infidels and constantly seek to inflict war and terror. Does the world wish to fight these costly, destructive wars and battles, or is it better to start addressing the ideologies of hate and bigotry that creates the hate filled brainwashed fanatics?
No bigotry is acceptable. All bigotry, including towards Muslims, must be resisted. Instead of making excuses for hatred, intolerance, terrorism and violence, this must become unacceptable no matter where it comes from. This means facing up to the harsh reality of Islamic intolerance and bigotry, and resisting it in the same way that all bigotry and hatred must be resisted.
No bigotry is acceptable. All bigotry, including towards Muslims, must be resisted. Instead of making excuses for hatred, intolerance, terrorism and violence, this must become unacceptable no matter where it comes from. This means facing up to the harsh reality of Islamic intolerance and bigotry, and resisting it in the same way that all bigotry and hatred must be resisted.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The Unseen Cost Of Losing Forests, Coral Reefs, Mangroves, Cleans Rivers And Waters
In a certain overpopulated country, one of many, virtually every river and fresh body of water is badly polluted and contaminated. The air quality in urban areas is hazardous to human health. Fish stock are declining, jeopardizing the daily dietary needs of millions. In the eyes of economists, the economy is expanding, which completely ignores the harsh reality for the majority of the population, and the severe loss of wealth that results from environmental degradation. Just because some so called economists and financial wizards do not consider the cost of losing forests, wildlife, mangroves, coral reefs, cleans rivers, streams and lakes, along with clean coastal regions and oceans, does not mean these things do not have value.
American Gang Culture Is A Wholly Owned American Creation, Not The Product Of A Third World Invasion
The vast gang culture that thrives in the United States is not a product of third world invaders, much as certain pundits and over paid political hacks and writers pretend otherwise. American gang culture, the vast world of drugs and crime, is a wholly owned American creation. Gangs and hate groups are prolific. The new president can choose the easy way, and blame illegal immigrants for everything, or he can take concrete steps to address the growing gangs and hate groups. This includes, but is not limited, to the following: 1. Focus immigration efforts on those that commit crimes, including driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Give a pathway to legitimacy for those hard working immigrants that want nothing more than a better life for themselves and their families, and that do contribute to society by the difficult labor they perform. 2. Remove all tax free status and privilege to any organization, including those operating as a so called religion, that espouse hatred and intolerance. Religious hate groups may be protected by the first amendment, but there is nothing in the constitution that demands that these groups receive tax free status. 3. Do not continue unchanged the nonproductive drug war that has stopped virtually nothing, except make gangs and terrorist organizations more powerful. 4. Consider two to three years of national service (which can include military service for some and other public service for others), for all young people. It is about time people learn that a country is not just about what you can take, but also what you can give. 5. Reform the criminal justice system, and ensure that a responsible society, not gangs and hate groups, control American jails and prisons. 6. Provide widespread employment for marginalized populations. Generations of chronically unemployed people and disenfranchised populations need to be reintegrated into the American mainstream. Simple employment can work miracles. It is not cheap, but it is still less expensive than continuing to maintain the vast criminal justice system that does nothing but chew up lives.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Living In An Increasingly Environmentally Degraded World
Humanity thinks it is advancing, because in a few quarters there is order and abundance. People think that the more technology advances, the more humanity advances. When in fact, all life is dependent upon the natural world. The more nature is destroyed, the more biodiversity disappears, the more species enter extinction, the closer life ends for humanity itself. Destroy nature and the web of life, and it matters not how sophisticated is the technology and alternative realities of people.
What is unfortunate is that someone that lived a hundred years ago would have seen an abundance that I can never imagine. And someone that is young now will never see the nature that I have seen, because with each passing year there is less and less. I remember swimming in a coral reef that was a fraction of what it was thirty years ago. I could only see the loss and devastation. A young couple, seeing the coral reef for the first time, might be amazed at its splendor, not realizing it is less than 10 per cent of what it was just thirty years ago.
Someone has to want to see this world protected and not turned into a sewer. But who? Too much of religion in this world has people brainwashed into thinking this world does not matter, and it is simply the prelude to the next. But if someone really believes in God, then why would they not want what God created protected? Why would God want this precious planet turned into the filthy cesspool it is rapidly becoming?
The more this world is degraded, polluted and contaminated, the harder life becomes for all living creatures. Viruses, new diseases, proliferate in garbage pits. Earth was not meant to be mankind's toilet.
Many that have a lot, and live with order and abundance, fail to see the incredible disorder, environmental degradation and lack of abundance that is the lot of most of humanity.
Caring about the environment is a true expression of faith. We may think that environmental concerns are secondary to our religious, political and economic interests, but they are not. Earth was not meant to be humanity's toilet. There will be a point of no return, if it has not already been reached, in which environmental destruction dooms not just the many species already facing extinction, but mankind itself.
What is unfortunate is that someone that lived a hundred years ago would have seen an abundance that I can never imagine. And someone that is young now will never see the nature that I have seen, because with each passing year there is less and less. I remember swimming in a coral reef that was a fraction of what it was thirty years ago. I could only see the loss and devastation. A young couple, seeing the coral reef for the first time, might be amazed at its splendor, not realizing it is less than 10 per cent of what it was just thirty years ago.
Someone has to want to see this world protected and not turned into a sewer. But who? Too much of religion in this world has people brainwashed into thinking this world does not matter, and it is simply the prelude to the next. But if someone really believes in God, then why would they not want what God created protected? Why would God want this precious planet turned into the filthy cesspool it is rapidly becoming?
The more this world is degraded, polluted and contaminated, the harder life becomes for all living creatures. Viruses, new diseases, proliferate in garbage pits. Earth was not meant to be mankind's toilet.
Many that have a lot, and live with order and abundance, fail to see the incredible disorder, environmental degradation and lack of abundance that is the lot of most of humanity.
Caring about the environment is a true expression of faith. We may think that environmental concerns are secondary to our religious, political and economic interests, but they are not. Earth was not meant to be humanity's toilet. There will be a point of no return, if it has not already been reached, in which environmental destruction dooms not just the many species already facing extinction, but mankind itself.
The World Of Animal Programs and Television; Making Big Bucks Off The Backs Of Animals
When I saw first hand decades back the way law enforcement ignored, with very few exceptions, animal cruelty and dog fighting, I hoped that the enforcement of these crimes would move fully into the hands of law enforcement. Instead, a number of animal organizations have done everything to resist this, much to the delight of law enforcement, which is discussed in other blogs. Giving the illusion of doing something meaningful to address animal cruelty and dog fighting is a huge money maker. People do not see, or do not want to see the ugly truths regarding the widespread exploitation of animal cruelty and dog fighting by a variety of organizations and people.
Along for the ride to glamorize certain animal organizations and maintain the aforementioned pathology are the very prolific and profitable animal television shows. I tried appealing to them decades back to think of animals first, and not promote incredibly lucrative and exploitative animal organizations. Needless to say, I never was the face or voice of money, and no one ever listened to me. Now decades later, there is enormous and completely unnecessary pain and cruelty inflicted upon animals that never had to be and does not have to continue to be inflicted.
Conservation and animals are big business. They bring fortunes to organizations and certain media conglomerates.
Recently there was a program about a reckless man as he jeopardized the safety of himself, those around him including his film crew, and lions themselves as he foolishly did things that defy common sense. Any and all ways bucks can be made off of animals are tried.
Animals will remain big money makers. Too bad for animals and conservation that the organizations, for profit and nonprofit, and the animal related media conglomerates, will continue taking from animals far more than they will ever give. The cult of loving animals requires only an expression of loyalty and love to the cult, no questions asked. Efficacy, accountability does not exist in that demented, self righteous, incredibly lucrative world.
A certain media outlet from another country sponsored a beautiful documentary regarding a wilderness area and its wildlife. No glory seekers, no sensational nonsense, no self righteous pretentious clowns, no idiots picking up animals they should not be touching. Just nature, without all the fanfare, which in and of itself is enough. No animals, no conservation, no nature to be exploited. All profits went back to the reserve.
Welfare Reform Should Include Incentives For Having Smaller Family Sizes
Welfare reform should include incentives for people to have smaller, not larger families. Smaller family sizes help lift people out of poverty, in addition to providing a multitude of other benefits.
A Simple Job Program For The Chronically Unemployed , Disenfranchised, And Those Without Opportunities
Simple welfare reform for able bodied people, addressing the chronically and long term unemployed, providing alternatives to the black market gang culture, can be accomplished with a simple, straightforward government sponsored or financed work program based on the premise of the civilian conservation corp. Chronic unemployment is now multi generational. A simple program where people go to a pickup point and are taken to different locations to pick up garbage has benefits on many levels. It is good for the environment. It provides jobs and structure to people that may never find, or have never found this available in the private sector. It is an easy program to administer. It provides life skills of work discipline and more.
It will not be cheap, but providing people with alternatives to gang life, to a life of unemployment, to jail or prison, to the black market drug trade, is still cheaper than the alternatives the inefficient, violent criminal justice system offers.
Like it or not, millions of Americans need an entry level hand that can be a career in itself. Millions do not have the skills required by high tech industries. Millions lack proper education. Millions are held back by criminal backgrounds. A permanent disenfranchised class does not serve the national interests. We do not need more cannon fodder for gangs and the drug world. We do need people to clean up America and to live productive lives.
It will not be cheap, but providing people with alternatives to gang life, to a life of unemployment, to jail or prison, to the black market drug trade, is still cheaper than the alternatives the inefficient, violent criminal justice system offers.
Like it or not, millions of Americans need an entry level hand that can be a career in itself. Millions do not have the skills required by high tech industries. Millions lack proper education. Millions are held back by criminal backgrounds. A permanent disenfranchised class does not serve the national interests. We do not need more cannon fodder for gangs and the drug world. We do need people to clean up America and to live productive lives.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Giving Crumbs To The Poor. Overpopulation And Environmental Degradation
Addressing poverty and environmental degradation that often accompanies poverty in the third world has to move beyond far beyond giving, which amounts to nothing more than crumbs that makes givers feel good and grants bragging rights. Millions of poor families have no escape, but might make the choice to limit family size if affordable, safe family planning were provided. A family without resources or with few resources that has many children guarantees poverty for the children, whereas if the family size were limited to one or two children, there would be a far greater chance for the children to have a better life and to rise out of poverty.
Giving, even though the giving is wholly inadequate in this day and age of mass poverty, severe overpopulation and environmental degradation, has to move beyond what makes donors and charities feel good. There is mass poverty, especially in many third world countries where hundreds of millions of lives are simply ruined. This earth is not big enough to provide for the huge demands of an ever growing human population that has already devastated much of the natural environment. Overpopulation is a serious issue, and addressing it has everything to do with poverty and saving the environment.
Giving, even though the giving is wholly inadequate in this day and age of mass poverty, severe overpopulation and environmental degradation, has to move beyond what makes donors and charities feel good. There is mass poverty, especially in many third world countries where hundreds of millions of lives are simply ruined. This earth is not big enough to provide for the huge demands of an ever growing human population that has already devastated much of the natural environment. Overpopulation is a serious issue, and addressing it has everything to do with poverty and saving the environment.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Third World Poverty, American Poverty, The Failed Working Class
The United States has become an increasingly hard place to live for working class and struggling middle class people. Rich people live like kings. The safety net for those living in poverty is far beyond anything that can be imagined for those living in third world poverty. Working and struggling middle class people have no safety nets, and no protections that wealth brings. It is always one step away, one major sickness or injury away from financial ruin and losing everything. Obama's healthcare plan accommodated low income people, but made insurance not affordable for millions of working and struggling middle class people.
In the third world, if you live in a shack and you lose it to bad weather, or some one with money pushes you off your land, you have no legal recourse. If you live on the streets, as millions do, without even a dirt floor shack to sleep in, then that is your fate. Millions live without any housing. If they get sick, or if they suffer a chronic disease, or from a disease like cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, without money there is no one that will treat them. There are government hospitals in some places, and private religious or charitable hospitals in others. But these are far inadequate to meet the huge need for medical and dental services that hundreds of millions desperately require. Millions die because there is no where to go, or because the few places that are available are so overwhelmed that millions never receive adequate treatment.
In the third world, there are no food assistance programs for most. If people go hungry, become malnourished, no safety net exists to address their needs. They have no protections regarding food, medical care, dental care, education, housing, obtaining medicine.
In the United States, the culture has become increasingly violent and selfish. Degenerative music goes on endlessly about sex and violence; overpaid talent-less people announcing to the world their desires that they cannot control. The poverty of the states is not the poverty of the third world. The debilitating poverty of the third world is such that poor children often receive no school, no proper food or water, no shelter or inadequate shelter, no medical care, no hope for the future. If the poor of the third world saw the homes and lives of the poor of the first world, they would consider them rich. There are places in this world where people live in the most dire, desperate poverty, and yet there is not the violence that exists in far wealthier places. Addressing poverty is difficult. But it has to start by moving beyond the premise that it is just about giving and nothing more. And violence, no matter what excuses are made for it, keeps people downtrodden. It is not the liberating force that some self righteous fools imagine.
In the third world, if you live in a shack and you lose it to bad weather, or some one with money pushes you off your land, you have no legal recourse. If you live on the streets, as millions do, without even a dirt floor shack to sleep in, then that is your fate. Millions live without any housing. If they get sick, or if they suffer a chronic disease, or from a disease like cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, without money there is no one that will treat them. There are government hospitals in some places, and private religious or charitable hospitals in others. But these are far inadequate to meet the huge need for medical and dental services that hundreds of millions desperately require. Millions die because there is no where to go, or because the few places that are available are so overwhelmed that millions never receive adequate treatment.
In the third world, there are no food assistance programs for most. If people go hungry, become malnourished, no safety net exists to address their needs. They have no protections regarding food, medical care, dental care, education, housing, obtaining medicine.
In the United States, the culture has become increasingly violent and selfish. Degenerative music goes on endlessly about sex and violence; overpaid talent-less people announcing to the world their desires that they cannot control. The poverty of the states is not the poverty of the third world. The debilitating poverty of the third world is such that poor children often receive no school, no proper food or water, no shelter or inadequate shelter, no medical care, no hope for the future. If the poor of the third world saw the homes and lives of the poor of the first world, they would consider them rich. There are places in this world where people live in the most dire, desperate poverty, and yet there is not the violence that exists in far wealthier places. Addressing poverty is difficult. But it has to start by moving beyond the premise that it is just about giving and nothing more. And violence, no matter what excuses are made for it, keeps people downtrodden. It is not the liberating force that some self righteous fools imagine.
Friday, November 11, 2016
The Election, Race, Pandering, Simplistic Narratives
Hillary Clinton could never have been the president for all Americans. No one can, because all Americans do not want the same things. There are those that accuse her of being racist for helping implement welfare reform. Yet there never was true welfare reform, and the welfare system is still in desperate need of change. Pandering to those that throw out the word racist every time things do not go their way is nothing but manipulate b.s.
At the same time a person can decry racism and bigotry, it does not mean having to accept the narrative of victim hood and lack of accountability that some insist must be accepted whether people believe it or not. They say they want a conversation, but they do not. They only want their side heard.
The narrative of white supremacy and minority victim hood, while completely ignoring and excusing violence, is nothing but a way to free one side of accountability and responsibility. Plenty of whites are not born to privilege, and plenty of nonwhites have soft, easy lives.
For how many decades have people ignored or accepted black violence, irresponsible men having children they do not raise, all the while making excuses? Racism is wrong when it is in the form of overt discrimination. But pandering and failing to hold people responsible is also racist.
Trump made a promise to improve low income black and other minority communities. He promised to bring jobs. Whether he does this or not will be easy to measure. Or he might instead choose to forget all of this and focus on soft, easy targets like illegal immigrants- most of whom are hard working people that do the jobs Americans do not want without any rights or benefits.
The struggle for justice is not an easy one. Pandering, following simple narratives, and following racists, whether black, white, or anything in between will never lead to anything positive.
At the same time a person can decry racism and bigotry, it does not mean having to accept the narrative of victim hood and lack of accountability that some insist must be accepted whether people believe it or not. They say they want a conversation, but they do not. They only want their side heard.
The narrative of white supremacy and minority victim hood, while completely ignoring and excusing violence, is nothing but a way to free one side of accountability and responsibility. Plenty of whites are not born to privilege, and plenty of nonwhites have soft, easy lives.
For how many decades have people ignored or accepted black violence, irresponsible men having children they do not raise, all the while making excuses? Racism is wrong when it is in the form of overt discrimination. But pandering and failing to hold people responsible is also racist.
Trump made a promise to improve low income black and other minority communities. He promised to bring jobs. Whether he does this or not will be easy to measure. Or he might instead choose to forget all of this and focus on soft, easy targets like illegal immigrants- most of whom are hard working people that do the jobs Americans do not want without any rights or benefits.
The struggle for justice is not an easy one. Pandering, following simple narratives, and following racists, whether black, white, or anything in between will never lead to anything positive.
Hillary Clinton In Defeat, Unscripted, Gracious
Hillary Clinton in defeat has been showing a side that she and her handlers made a huge mistake hiding. Gracious, humane, caring. Whatever idiots thought a woman this bright had the best chance of winning by being constrained and less than genuine made an enormous miscalculation. Without the script, without constraint, Hillary Clinton in defeat shows a side to herself that this country desperately needs in a president. Someone bright, kind, humble, gracious, not arrogant, not full of easy and simple answers that are nothing but deceptive commercials.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Time And Health Wasted In Third World Traffic
All over the third world, people daily choke on the fumes of heavy traffic, spending countless hours wasted in traffic that barely moves. People spend up to five or six hours in a daily commute, breathing toxic fumes from vehicles that emit the worst exhaust. The infrastructures are not built for these many cars, these many people. If only a country like Japan could intervene and construct modern railway systems, maybe that will alleviate some of the problem. The pollution and desperation of the third world is a worldwide problem, not a third world problem.
Clinton Wins The Popular Vote, But The Electoral College Dinosaur Rules Again
It has come out that Clinton won the popular vote, but because the United States is glued to an irrelevant, unnecessary electoral college system, it does not matter. The last time a president was elected that lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, he plunged the United States into wars that still have no end in sight.
Trump's Promises, Jobs, Economic Growth. Will Illegal Immigrants Be Further Marginalized?
Trump made a lot of lofty promises. Significant economic growth far beyond what there is now. Jobs, growth, things that will be easy to measure. Will this be more promises of change that lead nowhere? We will see if he delivers, or if it is more hot air. Will his presidency be yet another presidency for and by the rich? If he really brings about the significant economic growth he promised to bring, pretty much everyone will benefit. But promises and delivering are two different things.
Those much maligned illegal immigrants that do the labor Americans do not want to do or are too lazy to do, deserve more than having their labor exploited in exchange for nothing. They work the fields, fix the roofs, do hard labor that like it or not the average American is adverse to performing in exchange for low wages. Sure it is easy to malign them, especially from the likes of the soft Dukes of the world that make fortunes from laziness and hate, not from real work. Let there be paths to legitimacy for illegal immigrants and in this way law enforcement can spend their energy on those illegals that are criminals or terrorists. Donald Trump must realize that he has been granted great power to do good. Whatever he was in the past, good or bad, he must now be a man of great integrity. If not, the whole thing was nothing but another great lie.
Those much maligned illegal immigrants that do the labor Americans do not want to do or are too lazy to do, deserve more than having their labor exploited in exchange for nothing. They work the fields, fix the roofs, do hard labor that like it or not the average American is adverse to performing in exchange for low wages. Sure it is easy to malign them, especially from the likes of the soft Dukes of the world that make fortunes from laziness and hate, not from real work. Let there be paths to legitimacy for illegal immigrants and in this way law enforcement can spend their energy on those illegals that are criminals or terrorists. Donald Trump must realize that he has been granted great power to do good. Whatever he was in the past, good or bad, he must now be a man of great integrity. If not, the whole thing was nothing but another great lie.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Final Thoughts On Clinton And Trump, Yazidis And Middle East Christians
It is clear from previous blogs I am not a fan of either. I think she will more than likely win, and for that reason I have been harsher on her. But whichever of the two wins, things have to change. It cannot continue to be business as usual. Too much of the world is on fire. The next president should learn from the past two. First there was Bush, a reckless man that jumped clueless into wars without any regards for the consequences or any consideration that there are ways to fight wars without full scale invasions.. He and his cronies get comfortable retirements while the world suffers. And then Obama, a man great with words but empty with actions. Draws red lines he does not mean. Talks tough but carries no stick. The Yazidis, the middle east Christians, the thousands of Yazidi girls and young women still held as sex slaves by deranged Islamists, the Syrians and others did not deserve such a tough talking, articulate, but weak in action American president. The United States left these people high and dry.
The next president needs to be a leader, not a politician.
The next president needs to be a leader, not a politician.
Fareed Zakaria- Iran With Nuclear Weapons Is Stabilizing?
There was a debate regarding Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, and what the result will be. Do the research and see what arguments Fareed Zakaria made in defense of the acceptability of Iran becoming a nuclear armed state. The mullahs of Iran, with the supreme mullah holding absolute power( extreme concentrations of wealth and power are inherently dangerous and corrupting) have already brutally suppressed, murdered and tortured dissidents, religious minorities, and others, and are engaged in aggressive proxy wars, to say nothing of the already colonization of Lebanon by Iran's Hezbollah puppet army. Extreme power to destroy in the hands of religious fanatics, or any fanatic, brings the world that much closer to an end.
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